After caring for Joe who had massive medical problems related to his heart and other things, I adopted the philosophy that he came first, period! If he was hurting or had something strange going on, I might have called the doctor if I thought it could wait a little while. I must say that usually the doctor would get back to me. It might not have been right away, but they did when they had a free moment. Then they would either tell us to come in to the office or go to the ER. And not only that, many of them (Joe had many doctors) would call ahead to the ER to get him seen fast.
I can't remember any of Joe's doctors simply ignoring a phone call, maybe because those were removed from his care.
Diagnosing something over the phone just can't be done, but it can be triaged somewhat. And some direction can be given.
If I thought there was something life threatening going on, or if I didn't know how to handle something, I took him to the ER.
The bottom line is if you have a problem, do whatever it takes to find out what it is. If your doctor is non-responsive, first take care of yourself, then at a later time deal with the doctor.
Yes, doctors are very busy, but they are not the only ones who are very busy. Most of us have very full plates.
Oh, and BTW, if Joe were in the hospital, many of Joe's doctors would call me first thing in the morning when they rounded and give me the report. That was very nice of them. But if they didn't do that, I would appear anyway at the hospital at 6 AM, if I had to, to make sure I got to talk to them.
Be proactive with your care.