Things didnt work out...'whats new'.....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hello, I was hoping to be posting about now with some ''good'' news, but once more the heavens have plotted against me and things have not gone to plan.

The ''bed'' they said I had was cancelled at the last minute, and I have been waiting every day for ''the call'', but it hasnt happened. We have all been on tender hooks, saying ''goodbye'' every morning when Sarah and Thomas went to school in case I would get the call to go into hospital. Iv been worried sick about Sarah as she had another episode with numbness down her right side on sunday, and has been unwell all week since, mostly exhausted for no reason. Thomas has a bad cold again.

So, I am sorry guys that I didnt come on before now, but Iv been feeling so down and stressed that I just couldnt bear to write these words down.

Thank you all for your well wishes.

*One day it will all work out for me*...(when pigs fly, by the looks of things)
Oh sorry for your extended wait. I'm sure the good by's are awful. Waiting is the worst. I'll be praying for you.

JACQUI,i am sorry your surgery has to wait,but seeing as

you and i are both waiting for pigs to fly:D i found the biggest one

Hope it encourages some better luck for you.

Sorry to hear about thomas's cold and Sarah again.........prayers

to both of them.

((HUGS)) zipper2 (DEB)
Call them! over and over. Till they are sick of you calling them. That might speed them up a little. How old is your daughter that is having these problems? Take care they will get to you, soon I am sure! Prayers for you and yours!
Jacqai, I'm sorry that you didn't get to go in the hospital to get put on that new medicine yet. Don't give up hope, someone obviously is trying to fit you in or they wouldn't have called you in the first place. Just hold on. I'm optimistic about that medicine working for you. My cardio and I were talking yesterday about the chance that he might put me on it for my rhythm stuff and I looked it up and I think it sounds promising.

Sorry to hear about Sarah. I have had migraines exactly like right side would go completely numb and then I would have residual weakness for a day or two afterward. I never actually got the headache with these kind. I have had two MRI's to confirm that they were not strokes. They are very scary. If they are indeed migraines in her and they continue to happen frequently, there are medicines that she can take everyday to help prevent them. Just pm me and I'll let you know what I've tried.

Keep your head up!


I am so sorry for the waiting and your disappointment should be very annoying...but keep trust that heavens may have delayed it for a good reason.

I hope you will get peace of mind soon and have a successful surgery once there is a bed.

As for Sarah, could she be worried sick inside and does not show it?! Talk to her and calm her fears, if so. I am not a doctor, but my oldest sister started having lots of headaches and lacking sleep since my cardio told me I needed surgery.

With my prayers for all of you
I'm so sorry for all your troubles. Your mention of Sarah's right-sided numbness sounds so much like what Matt has from time to time. After all the testing--MRI, etc--it was finally diagnosed as "complicated migraine." I hope you find this reassuring. Of course, these things must be checked out by the dr. to rule out other conditions, but I think migraine can be responsible all kinds of strange symptoms that you might not immediately connect to it. Best of luck with everything.
So sorry you have to wait again. You are in my prayers.
Remember there's a reason for everything, keep your chin up and keep plugging away. Bless wishes!!

I took Sarah to the doctor again yesterday, and she has started her on a migrane preventative medication...Sanomigram. Hopefully there will be one less thing to worry about soon.

*Blessings to everyone*
Hi Jacqui ~ I'm so sorry to hear your surgery has been postponed again. I hope it happens soon!!

I'm glad that the doctor put Sarah on the medicine he did. My friend's son takes it and it works wonders for him ~ hope it does the same for her.

Hang in there.

Best wishes,

jacqui..Dear one I am so sorry for this long drawn out process for you..
I agree with some of the others..and I would be calling them every day.. morning and night!'
you have my prayers!
I am so sorry.................

I am so sorry.................

that you are still having to wait. Add my prayers to everyone else's and I hope you get the word soon. I will be praying that Sarah's new med helps, too. Hugs. J.
Oh jacqui, so sorry to hear you are not getting any further. Sending best wishes hugs and prayers to you all. Hoping your next post will be a happy one. Hang in there all the best.
Like us all, I'm also wishing for a change in your luck and that things will start to go right for a change. Hang in there and my love to you, Sarah and Thomas.
