The 13 ft gator from our zoo..lol.. he was in a drainage ditch..probably didnt know what to do.. gulf shores zoo has had him throughout his life and everyone was so worried( for him and small pets throughout the area)..zoo officials said he appeared to be ok.(hopefully ALL PETS are accounted for and he only had meals of frogs and lizards),they havent opened all of the gulf yet, and ppl are being arrested( 2 in Robertsdale for price gouging on generators), its still quite scary and soo many are on foot?? In a mostly rural area?? Many are transients w/o homes and it does break your heart to see this, I know my neice had just bought a used doublewide for her family, it wasnt quite together when Ivan came.. no insurance..and she has warped walls and water damage..Ive told her to try FEMA... I can not help.. no resources anymore, just prayers..woof.. she has 3 little ones, one with heart trouble and she is a downs syndrome victim... they stand in line for food ,ice , water, one man was smoking and blowing smoke in her face , she gagged and Joy (my neice) had to lose her spot in line as baby gagged.. some ppl are downright cruel..woof ..just venting as I feel helpless..woof....