Theory on my infection

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
Today, the Infectious Disease specialist came to see me. After examining my chest, he had an interesting theory on how I developed this infection so late (6 weeks) in my recovery when most infections happen within the first 2 to 4 weeks. Since I had had a previous chest surgery (other than my first OHS), he believes that my lymphatic system in my chest is not particularly good at draining lymphatic fluid which is a very good medium for growing an infection if it is left sitting around longer than usual and at some point, before everything closed completely, I probably got some bacteria in and that was all she took. It looks much better today after being on IV antibiotics for just 24 hours and they sent me home this evening on some very strong antibiotics for which the prescription cost, are you ready, $2000.00! Can you believe that? Anyway, I'm still not supposed to leave town because they aren't sure if it is strep (which is better) or staph (which is much worse) and if it is staph, I could get much worse, very quickly, so they want me close to the hospital. So, good so far, and fingers are still crossed that this pill that must me wrapped in gold, will take care of this infection and I am done with my time in the hospital for this year.



i didnt know that you ended up in the hospital, but i am glad that you are home. did you have a temperature or did you just have some swelling or rash or what, i remember reading something about it, but i thought it went away, sorry that you ended up in the hospital. how do you feel? hope all is well soon, will add you to my prayers.
alpha 1
Oh My...........please tell me you got more than one pill for $2000.00.

I know my nieces husband (who has leukemia) had to take meds that were not covered by our Canadian Health Care system that were $100.00 each.

Special prayers for this is just an infection and you'll be as good as new real soon.

Ug, sounds awful! And what kind of pill costs 2000 dollars? Doesnt insurance cover it? What a scary story, keep us posted! Glad you are out of the hospital!
Hi Kim , it sounds like they have the right antibiotics for you, if you are
showing improvement already. Just make sure you finish the whole costly
course. Wishing you the Best,
Since I never expected to see gas top $4/gallon, I guess I am not surprised to see $2000 prescriptions but it is still ridiculous and sad.:rolleyes::mad::eek:

Kim - I am happy you are on the track to health and pills are working (no matter the cost). Praying that this solves your problem permanently.
Did you have any other symptoms besides fever, or
drainage fom incision site? Since I have had enocarditis before , I tend
to over worry Hope you are better:)- D.
Still following your experience here, Kim, and hoping it's not staph and hoping it clears up right away.

BTW, I've had a couple of friends who kept getting infections (one was staph in a leg wound and one was recurring strep infection) and it turns out their respective spouses were carriers (but not ill themselves) and they kept reinfecting them; so sometimes a caregiver or spouse also needs treatment.
Just not my month

Just not my month

I swear, if I don't laugh, I'll cry...just kidding, it really is funny...

Ok, first things first, Alpha and Dina, I only noticed last weekend that I was pretty tender in the middle of my incision and onto my breasts which was definitely different for me since I have had no pain or discomfort. Then on Tuesday, that same area looked like it had a very bad sunburn. No drainage or anything else. The ID Dr. said that makes him lean toward strep because staph almost always finds a way to drain.

Ok, now for the laughing/crying part...We decided to go on and go up to the mountains for the weekend when my cardiologist gave me his phone number to his house in the mountains which is only 20 minutes from mine. He said I could call him if I got worse and he would meet me at the local hospital here. So, I was closing the hatch to our big SUV (which I hardly ever drive anymore) and I was standing just a little too close and pulled it down right on my nose in between my eyes. Even though it is not a big gash, it is very deep and everytime I move my face at all, it starts bleeding again. So, I just got back from getting a couple of stitches to close it up. It looks lovely, not to mention the huge bruise compliments of coumadin. When my husband came back in from fishing and saw me he said, "I am not going back to the hospital again...a person only has so much caretaking ability and mine is all gone!" LOL...of course he was kidding, but I did go alone becuase I didn't want to have to take our kids there and didn't feel comfortable leaving them alone.

So, infection still looks ok...not so sure about the face anymore.

Oh Dear Kim, lets fix one thing at a time here. I'm still praying that you only have a infection and it clears up real soon.........but your nose.........all I'm gonna say is that there is only one week left in this month and I hope you "Look before you leap". Don't need you to be falling down (or up - in my case) any stairs.

Please be careful and LOOK after yourself.

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