The wait is almost over!!!!

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Kelly Luisi

:D There is just 10 days left until my surgery date! Thank God the wait is nearly over! This has been a bizarre journey of self discovery and life realizations! I am at the point, that if the surgeon called me tonight and said "can you be here in the morning, we have an opening", I would jump at the chance to get on with this.
I still have my apprehentions, but I am so excited to start living my life again! My boys keep me going, and my husband and parents keep me strong. I met with Dr. Lak's (my surgeon) at UCLA - and I was very impressed. He aswered every question I had on my list, before I actually got to ask it! He put my mind at ease.
My boys are doing well with the whole "mommy's having an operation" thing. My youngest son, has asked some rather bizarre questions, but they are rather comical too when I think about it. We have tried our best to keep the air light and fun around the house. I have times where I am doing great, and then BOOM it hits me. Especially when looking around at other people and seeing their lives are looking so normal! I sit there thinking, they have no clue I am about to have OHS! It is enough to send me into histerical laughter or tears :confused: !
I am preparing my home this last week for when I get home from the hospital... does anyone have any thoughts on what is important to have? I would love to hear what has helped others get through those first few weeks.

I visit this site everyday and draw such strength from you all. You are so wonderful at, so willing to share yourselves (your stories and experiences) with others! I thank you now, as I will thank you later, once I am on the OTHER side of the mountain for the incredible support I have felt through all of you as I have made this journey forward! Let's get this PARTY :D started! There are great :rolleyes: things ahead!
This is my motto this last 10 days before I conquer the mountain ahead!

Love to all my buddies!

Kelly 0 :)
Hey Kelly,

I was thinking of you today. You have been rather quiet lately. I was like you the last few days before my surgery. I just wanted to get it over with. My nightmare was being canceled at the last minute. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my surgery with Dr. Laks. I am now walking 30 minutes twice a day and hopefully shortly you will be doing the same.

Hang in there, the day will be upon you sooner than you think.

Good Luck
"a bizarre journey of self discovery and life realizations!"

I could not have said it any better than that. When it is all over, and that will come soon, you will likely realize that it was much less than you thought it would be. And that is was much more than you thought it would be. And the "more" part has nothing to do with the surgery and everything to do with learning who you are by going through the experience.
It sounds like you have the situation well in hand, think about how much better you should feel in the months ahead. If people offer you help take it. I told my friends and relatives that I would need help once I left the hospital (or really that my wife would need help dealing with me and the kids)
Good Luck


I think you need three things. 1. a good lazy boy 2. a pillow handy at all times 3. to stop visiting this site a day or two ahead so you can focus on anything other then this.
Kelly, I know you will be so glad to get this part of your life behind you. You will be amazed how much better you will feel. My prayers are with you. Be sure and have someone post for you so we will know how you are doing. See you on the other side of the mountain.
Kelly, I am finally on the "Other Side" - 3 months post -op. Walked 3 miles today. Having OHS kind of reminded me of having babies. At first you are really scared of what all you will have to go through during childbirth, and then about 2 to 3 weeks before the baby is due you don't care what you have to go through, you are just ready to have the baby. That is the way I was with OHS, I just got the point where I wanted to get to the "other side." Soon you will be there. I'll be praying that all will go smoothly.
Kelly Luisi said:
Let's get this PARTY :D started! There are great :rolleyes: things ahead!
This is my motto this last 10 days before I conquer the mountain ahead!


I _love_ mottos! My current one (I've had for over a year now) is "Irony Rocks" :).


Seriously, though, the waiting part is the hardest. And, I, too, have had (and sometimes still have) those moments of "bam!" it hits me what all I've experienced...etc. And, I too, look around and wonder what it's like to be "normal"...and how weird it is to have this perspective of life that, more or less, has a reverence to _not_ take things for granted (though, I admit, I still do at times)...while all these people around me seemingly do not have a clue....


But, maybe it's the fall melancholiness talking

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models =
MC Guide =

WOW, everything you said is EXACTLY how I feel. My surgery is coming up in just 17 Days!

Last night as I laid down to go to sleep, I could feel my heart beating. It drove me nuts and I couldnt fall asleep for a while. I have been going on 21 years since my last surgery, (valve repair not replaced), with no problems.

I hadnt seen a cardiologist in quite some time. In January or last year I went for a check up and they discovered the leaking valve. The cardiologist and surgeon says I should have been in 3 years ago to have the replacement done. So as I lay there last night feeling my heart beat, I couldnt help but think, "what if I dont make it until Oct. 15th?" "what if this thing stops working or it bursts?" TO say the least, I couldnt go to sleep.

Finally, I thought of something to take my mind off of it. And went to sleep. Like you, I will be glad to be on the other side of the mountain!

Keep you chin up and good luck. We are all praying for you.

Wow - I love hearing from you all. Jeff, you and I are so close in our surgery dates, we are going to make it through this... you know! We can both cheer one another on!!!!

How is your wife doing with all of this? This is so stressful for anyone involved! My husband is holding up, but I can tell he is scared out of his mind at times. This is the first major thing we have been through together with my heart. For 12+ years we have had a NORMAL life. I am the kind that has not dwelled on the fact that I had a heart condition, and has tried to live a perfectly NORMAL life. I have never faked myself out, or ignored it.... but I do try to put it out of my head most of the time. God has blessed me with so much! Two beautiful little boys, parents and a husband that love me, and a HEART that just keeps going! I have never really felt sorry for myself or thought "why" me?

My boys are holding up, they are excited that the couple we chose to stay with the boys for the week we are gone, 2 hours away, at UCLA have lots of FUN things planned for them. My youngest Nick is 6 and he asks some pretty amazing questions.... like "Can I have surgery with you MOM? I can hold your hand Mom" . If he only had a clue, he would run the other way!
My 9 year old Alex is quiet about it mostly, but he is thinking BIG in there -and is asking lots of questions too.

These last 9 days are hard, but the end result is going to be so awesome!

I wish the surgery was tomorrow, or even later today....! I just want to be back in my house, in my bed ,listening to the boys laughing (OK, at time fighting... who am I kidding) nonetheless at times like these that is a glorous sound :D .
You all are so supportive, so uplifting.... I feel like a warrior with a whole platton behind me! We are going to climb this mountain, and kick some "honey buns" ! Let's get this PARTY STARTED!




Just a quick note your getting to the mountain and WE will be there on your decent.....At 9 weeks 4 days post op all seems ok, oh I have issues but none compared to the issues before...You'll be there before you know it and again WE will be there for you as THEY where for me........!
Wow :) I just realized that it is only 8 days from today! That is so cool!
Can you tell I want to get this over with? Tommorow I give my last unit of blood, boy am I glad that is over! That makes you feel so tired! Plus I am donating it 2 hours away at the hospital blood bank! Glad it is almost over!

I am so amazed at how similar you and I are in this situation. My Wife, Michelle, is scared out of her mind but has found confort in this site. This is my second time around but the first time her and I are dealing with it together. I was only 16 the last time.

The funny thing is that not only is our situation similar but I too have two boys. Mine our 8yrs and 4yrs. My oldest is Dylan and here is the freaky part. My youngest is NICK!

I/We will be praying for you. Heres to making it over the mountain. I hope to be talking with you real soon both of us Post OP!

Hello Kelly,
I was at the point wherein if I could have operated on myself I would have! I found that on the day I had my sugery I was looking forward to it,I was calm(or maybe I put myself in an emotional coma stressing myself out?) and I had no fear about the operation itself.I was in the best mood I had been in,in years!
You might want to stock up on soups you like,anything mild in flavor or taste(I had no appetite whatsoever)things super easy to prepare,movies to watch and if you have any wooden surfaces in your home,make sure you have slippers that have a rubber sole.You might want to get your clothes organized so that ones easy to put on,take off and wash are ready for you.
And of course...keep us posted!!
Best to both of you, Jeff and Kelly, as you get nearer to your surgeries. I know the wait is unbearable at times, but soon you'll both be on the other side of the mountain and trading post-op stories with each other and all of us here on the site. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Jeff, judging by the pic of your boys, I'm putting them at about the ages of my two boys when I had my surgery seven years ago. You'll get through it for them :) :)
Jeff's date changed!

Jeff's date changed!

Hi Kelly,

We just got home to find a message on our answering machine from the surgeon. They changed the date of the surgery. They of course didn't say when they changed it to. They said to call them to find out!! AUGH!~~ The is not what we wanted to hear. They were closed by the time we got the message so we will find out tomorrow when it was changed to. I hope it is sooner!! It will probably be later! It has to be before the end of October because our insurance coverage drops from a 100% to a 90/10 plan. It doesn't sound like a big difference but as I am sure all of you know, these surgeries are expensive!! (THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY THEY COST!!) :)
I just want to get it over with!! Now we are really stressing since we don't know when it is going to be!!

Keep you all posted on the new date!!
