The tooth fairy is coming!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK

Great excitment in our house! Another teeny milestone but we're pleased anyway.
Chloe lost her first tooth! YAY! Its been wobbly since we were in Florida so it took its time about it (must be a male tooth!).
It was hanging on by a thread this morning and as we are walking out the door to work/school/nursery she decided thats the time to pull it out! Excellent - blood and excited children are not good at 7.45am! Cleaned it all up and off we went again. I didnt do anti-biotics, it didnt bleed for long so i'm hoping thats ok.
She is VERY excited and has shown everyone her gap today and looks really cute with it and is now really desperate to go to bed so the tooth fairy can come! Let's hope the tooth fairy remembers later tonight when shes done a lot of work and is feeling tired! lol

Just had to share another little growing up moment.
Love Emma
They always look really cute when they loose teeth, i used to get 10p when i was little, :eek: no chance of getting away with that these days.
Thanks Mary! I showed Chloe that and she got VERY excited to have actually seen the real fairy - who, by the way, she is sure is called Mary! lol
There was such excitement this morning (at 3am!!) when she found her pound and her little note from the 'tooth fairy' in the pouch in exchange for her tooth!
Love Emma

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