The test results are back...

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Well the good news is everything came back absolutely A-OK. I'm not diabetic or anaemic, no signs of leukemic activity or viruses, no thyroid or blood sugar problems, no kidney problems... yada, yada, yada.

The bad news is.... everything came back A-OK..!! Once again it seems that brick wall has come up to smack me in the face and even the doctor admitted that he has absolutely no idea where to go next :( Usually SOMETHING shows up in those sorts of things, but apparently I'm still in rip-roaring good health (..aside from feeling like death warmed over!..).

Anyhoo, I reitereated that one of my main issues is this constant shortness of breath, and while I've had a couple of pulmonary tests done (..again - all A-OK..) that perhaps it might be a good idea to see a PULMONOLOGIST who specialises in pulmonary issues and might be looking for things that a cardiologist might not. So, I've got an appointment in November.

I can only say again how refreshing it is to have someone who is prepared to look at different options and not just tell me it's all in my head and to get over it (..and I made a point of telling him I found his whole attitude a lovely, refreshing change..). Mind you, if nothing comes from the pulmonologist then he's basically told me I might just have to be "put back on the shelf". AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH..!!!!! At least he hasn't tried to put me on anti-depressants.

It seems that the only thing that has changed over the same time as my condtion is my heart, but if that's all supposed to be OK, then how come they can't find any other reason for me to feel this way? I'm so frustrated right now!!!! :(

Anyhoo..... enough venting from me. I guess - once again - I'll just have to wait for the next round of tests; a gated blood pool scan in August and the pulmonologist in November.


Anna : (


They can't get you in any sooner???? Well, I am so sorry that your quest for answers continues.................I know this has got to be so horribly frustrating. At least you did finally find someone who will listen to you.

You stay in our prayers. I hope you get some answers soon...........well, if you can say November is soon. Many hugs. P.S. We've missed you around here. BTW, I have some knives that need sharpening. :D :D Janet


I been thinkin, Isnt it nice to know,NO diabetis,NO kidney malfunction, NO lukemia lurking, no this no that, well, all that is great news, you should find some joy in that.
However,if you dont feel well, then, that does take away from the joy of all is well, so far. Ive often wondered if pain can bring depression, then can depression bring you pain (feeling crappy)??
I remember a guy that could barely stand to be with his wife,she was so relentless in her complaints, and then one Dr. found that she had a chemical imbalance of some kind and put her on a medicine and the husband was so pleased and amazed that he said "I would gladly give this Dr. all that I own to repay him for the good that he has brought to our lives".
Anna, I hope you can get to the source of your problem. No matter what it is, this elusive problem does exist and it shouldn't be brushed aside,a beautiful girl should experiance a beautiful life.
ALCapshaw2 said:
Why NOVEMBER? Even a busy doctor should be able to get around to seeing you in a month or two...

'Al Capshaw'

Well, I don't know Al.
My former cardiologist couldn't see me postsurgery until December!
That's why I'm headed to my new one this morning. ;) ;)
Just a thought..

Just a thought..

Hi Anna, first of all, it's nice to see you're back, and I'm happy to hear that all your tests came back ok. Now, since you say that you still feel awful all the same, have you ever considered getting tested for an auto immune disease? I know it might be a shot in the dark, but it might be a possibility. I don't want to frighten you, but I suggest you should arrange for an appoitment with a neurologyst in order to discuss it with him/her.If you like you can also visit where you sure will get a lot of good information about all kinds of diseases. Keep us posted and take care.
Hi guys,

Boy... I've been reading some of the other posts here, and don't I feel like a sook for whinging about my results all being OK..!!

Janet -
I'm impressed you can even focus on anyone else with what you are going through with Katie at the moment. You really do have such an enormous heart.

As far as seeing the pulmonologist sooner, the receptionist has put me on the waitlist for any cancellations before then - which do happen - so hopefully I can get in sooner. We just have such an overcrowded hospital system here and such a lack of specialists that November is probably pretty good. I've got a 4 YEAR wait to get the rest of my dental work finished!!! :eek: (..mind you, that is through a subsidised programme - but I just can't afford a "regular" dentist..).

mamsram -
I am happy that there's none of these other issues.... it's just so frustrating when I feel my health slowly slipping away when I'm in the prime of my life - and nobody can tell me why. Thank you for your closing comment though, it was very lovely.

Deborah -
Yep - I've had the autoimmune tests done a couple of times and they've always come back clear. Just like everything else. It really does seem like I'm in fantastic health in every way, except feeling like I'm living in a world where the gravity has been increased 10-fold. Still - it's always nice to hear suggestions, because one day someone may just come up with the answer!

Meanwhile I'm still looking into all sorts of different areas.

Thanks again so much for your support everyone.

A : )
Hey Anna,

Sorry to hear you have hit yet ANOTHER brick wall. Just out of curiousity, have you ever done any research on serotonin deficiencies? You comment about the world's gravity having increased 10-fold struck a chord with me. That is how I felt before putting two-and-two-and-four together and figuring out I might have a seratonin deficiency.

Looking through a few of your old posts, you indicated that you rarely eat meat or dairy - me too. Meat & dairy contain tryptophan, which the body needs to produce seratonin. W/out it, a serotonin deficiency can easily arise. A seratonin deficiency can present as:

- Sleep disturbances
- Insomnia
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Sluggishness
- Migraines

While this doesn't explain away your shortness of breath, some of the other symptoms you've mentioned from time to time appear on the list. It might be worth checking into. Since putting it all together for myself in the spring, I've started on 50 mg of 5-HTP a day (a natural tryptophan) and have noted a marked improvement in my energy, outlook, lack of migraines and ability to sleep.

Hi Melissa, thanks for the info - I'll definitely have a look into it. I know there are some anti-depressants which are supposed to increase seratonin levels and I was prescribed some of these, although they didn't seem to have any positive effects. Having said that, I'm more than happy to see if there's any alternate types of treatment and perhaps give that a go.

Anna : )
Hey Anna,

Double-check the anti-depressants you were taking - a lot of them are SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor), which are mistakenly said to increase levels of serotonin, when in fact they only slow the "uptake" of your existing serotonin. If your existing serotonin levels are low, these drugs are doing nothing for you. They never actually get your levels to the proper level, the just keep your existing supply from depleting too fast.

5-HTP actually helps you produce MORE serotonin by providing the typtophan you need to create serotonin, and thereby DOES increase the amount of serotonin in your body.

That's really interesting - and helpful - information Melissa! Thanks again.

A : )

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