Well the good news is everything came back absolutely A-OK. I'm not diabetic or anaemic, no signs of leukemic activity or viruses, no thyroid or blood sugar problems, no kidney problems... yada, yada, yada.
The bad news is.... everything came back A-OK..!! Once again it seems that brick wall has come up to smack me in the face and even the doctor admitted that he has absolutely no idea where to go next Usually SOMETHING shows up in those sorts of things, but apparently I'm still in rip-roaring good health (..aside from feeling like death warmed over!..).
Anyhoo, I reitereated that one of my main issues is this constant shortness of breath, and while I've had a couple of pulmonary tests done (..again - all A-OK..) that perhaps it might be a good idea to see a PULMONOLOGIST who specialises in pulmonary issues and might be looking for things that a cardiologist might not. So, I've got an appointment in November.
I can only say again how refreshing it is to have someone who is prepared to look at different options and not just tell me it's all in my head and to get over it (..and I made a point of telling him I found his whole attitude a lovely, refreshing change..). Mind you, if nothing comes from the pulmonologist then he's basically told me I might just have to be "put back on the shelf". AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH..!!!!! At least he hasn't tried to put me on anti-depressants.
It seems that the only thing that has changed over the same time as my condtion is my heart, but if that's all supposed to be OK, then how come they can't find any other reason for me to feel this way? I'm so frustrated right now!!!!
Anyhoo..... enough venting from me. I guess - once again - I'll just have to wait for the next round of tests; a gated blood pool scan in August and the pulmonologist in November.
Anna : (
The bad news is.... everything came back A-OK..!! Once again it seems that brick wall has come up to smack me in the face and even the doctor admitted that he has absolutely no idea where to go next Usually SOMETHING shows up in those sorts of things, but apparently I'm still in rip-roaring good health (..aside from feeling like death warmed over!..).
Anyhoo, I reitereated that one of my main issues is this constant shortness of breath, and while I've had a couple of pulmonary tests done (..again - all A-OK..) that perhaps it might be a good idea to see a PULMONOLOGIST who specialises in pulmonary issues and might be looking for things that a cardiologist might not. So, I've got an appointment in November.
I can only say again how refreshing it is to have someone who is prepared to look at different options and not just tell me it's all in my head and to get over it (..and I made a point of telling him I found his whole attitude a lovely, refreshing change..). Mind you, if nothing comes from the pulmonologist then he's basically told me I might just have to be "put back on the shelf". AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH..!!!!! At least he hasn't tried to put me on anti-depressants.
It seems that the only thing that has changed over the same time as my condtion is my heart, but if that's all supposed to be OK, then how come they can't find any other reason for me to feel this way? I'm so frustrated right now!!!!
Anyhoo..... enough venting from me. I guess - once again - I'll just have to wait for the next round of tests; a gated blood pool scan in August and the pulmonologist in November.
Anna : (