The Song Remains The Same...

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Just a note to say hello and that life, being what it so wonderfully is, has begun to cycle back to normal. Work is hectic, St. Jude is still hammering away, and I'm smiling once again. Thanks to all for your notes and concerns. They helped more than you can know.
It's good to hear that things are returning to normal for you. It has been a tough year.
Glad to hear that things are better enough that you can post that they are better. It is nice that life manages to carry us along even tho the way is bumpy at times.
Hoping for smooth sailing for you for a long time.
Glad to hear from you Les. Yes, life does get back to "normal". But empty spots will always remain. It's part of life. For some reason the empty spots left by my parents have decided to move front and center this week. No particular reason. I think it was the smell of a candle burning that reminded me of my Dad's cologne. But sweet memories fill those spots, even years later. You learn to cherish those empty spots in a bittersweet way.

Wishing the blessing of wonderful memories.