The Perks Of being Over 40

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
The Perks of Being Over 40...


Your joints are more accurate meteorologists
than the national weather service.

People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?"

People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.

There is nothing left to learn the hard way.

You can eat dinner at 4 P.M.

You enjoy hearing about other peoples operations.

You get into heated arguments about pension plans.

You have a party and the neighbors don't even
realize it.

You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter
who walks into the room.

You sing along with elevator music.

Your eyes won't get much worse.

Your investment in health insurance is finally
beginning to pay off.

You can't remember where you seen this list.
The sound of pill bottles wake you up in the morning when camping with friends. Will
William said:
The sound of pill bottles wake you up in the morning when camping with friends. Will
Man isn't that the truth! Last time I went, my buddy, who also has heart problems and is on Coumadin, and I looked like a walking drugstore at the picnic table. :D
The burning question in your life is whether you're chomping ice because you're short on iron or short on sex.


Everything that works hurts and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

Your little black book contains only names ending in M.D.

Your back goes out more than you do.

Your mind makes frisky commitments your body can't keep.

You feel like the morning after and it's time for midnight milk and crackers.
The Bright Side

The Bright Side

Oh benefits! Okay let's look on the bright side (and hey over 40? How about over 60?)....

Suddenly there's more food than beer in your fridge.

Relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

You go to the drug store just for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests.
I don't know - I am still trying to hold my stomach in - "still vain and over 50".

But ..... I now go to the store without makeup and without putting my contacts in.

I get excited over choosing what movie to watch and whether to have popcorn or ice cream.

However, I get exhausted watching my cats running up and down the hallway. :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

Oh well, as least we are still around to be happy and complain. :D
RobHol said:
Oh benefits! Okay let's look on the bright side (and hey over 40? How about over 60?)....

Suddenly there's more food than beer in your fridge.

uuuuhhh....that's not a benefit!!!! that's an outrage!!!....or a sign that you are married :D ok...i think that last part just got me in trouble.
Mary said:
The burning question in your life is whether you're chomping ice because you're short on iron or short on sex.
That's an easy one, it's obviously the sex thing! :D
That I can e-mail Ross

That I can e-mail Ross

On VR.Com because my new mail and my reply does not work on my Outlook express. :eek: and tell him of my Computer woes and he e-mails me back (can receive but not reply) and doesn't fuss at me..because he knows I'm an old woman...and I don't know all this computer stuff..I %&^$# up so bad that he e-mailed me back in simple words and I got my bar back at least (delete, ect)............Time to give up the chase and buy a new computer.. :mad: .........and when I called Compaq..I could not get anyone who spoke English enough for me to pay the $69.00 they wanted to help me..Who are these people and in which Country do they live? :eek: All they could say was..VE are goin to help you..What's your credit card #.. :eek: No thanks........But back to Ross..What a GREAT GUY..and right back to me..and I know how busy he is..Thanks, man..I LOVE you..Bonnie
Bon the nice thing about a new PC is that you'll have XP and I can remote assist you. Heck, I can even teach you one on one online. I'd prefer you had a broadband connection because dial up is miserably slow for remote, but at least in emergencies like this, I could hook up to you and fix you! ;)
O.K., but as a teacher over 40, I sometimes amaze my rocker students. One kid last year thought I walked on water because I actually saw Ozzy in concert "back in the day". In fact, I actually saw him when Randy Rhodes (sp?) was still playing with him. :cool: :cool:

But hey, you're right about getting older: the highlight of the week involves my chiropractic adjustments. ;) ;)
Sherry said:
O.K., but as a teacher over 40, I sometimes amaze my rocker students. One kid last year thought I walked on water because I actually saw Ozzy in concert "back in the day". In fact, I actually saw him when Randy Rhodes (sp?) was still playing with him. :cool: :cool:

But hey, you're right about getting older: the highlight of the week involves my chiropractic adjustments. ;) ;)


Reminds me of the story of the little boy and his father going to see the re-release of Star Wars. The father was talking about what happened in the movie and the son said "how can you know that, the movie just came out." :D :D ;)
hensylee said:
Wish I was going to around when y'all all reach 70 - it should be a blast. Maybe I'll just look down and check you out.
Hey lady, I have to make that far first and it doesn't look like that's reality. I might just be lookin down on you! ;)
"Suddenly there's more food than beer in your fridge."
"uuuuhhh....that's not a benefit!!!! that's an outrage!!!...."

The solution is a second fridge, contents limited to beer.
The first time I saw Pink Floyd live was at a FREE concert :eek: - does that date me or what!
BTW - being a Brit, I'm not altogether partial to cold beer - there's none in my fridge... but there's plenty outside. However, the fridge currently contains two bottles of Pouilly-sur-Loire, a bottle of Sancerre and two bottles of Blanquette de Limoux - oops :eek: