The MVP Syndrome/Dysautonomia -Survival Guide

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A book that I just purchased a few days ago. Has anyone read this book, or heard of the MVP syndrome/Dysautonomia? Im trying to get any information that i can on mvp, but it seems the more i read the more i get nervis. The Doctors have so many different openions on what exactly is Mvp. I dont know if anyone remembers my post about going to the emergency room with jaw pain and numing on the left side of my face and down my left arm. Well i went to my doc, and he says that my mitral valve is very mild case. I had a big list of questions for him and his response was he only set up 15min. aside for me. Now he went through the list very fast and skipped around. But get this. I was born in 1955 -- At the age of 4 yrs. i fell out and my brother rushed me to the hospital. There i stayed for three months. They said i came very close to having surgery due to three holes in my heart, I had rhumatic fevor. I went to this Hosp. till the age of eighteen every month. they had me on penacillan every day.When i moved to this area at the age of 22 thats when i had an episode with MVP had no clue what that was. I went to this Doctor for at least 7 yrs. he retired and they gave my case to a new Doc, there. I have been seeing him sence. Now when he reads my list , one of my questions was did my Rhumatic fevor have anything to do with my MVP, His reply was some doctors diagnose people with rhumatic fever when in fact they dont have it. ??????? I was so suprised to hear him say that, i couldnt speak. He telling my i spent all those yrs. at the doctors and took medication and spent 3mth in hospital for nothing? Did he not have my records, Forgot, or am i crazy. Doctors, think that when you have Panic disorder that no matter what you tell them, Oh, its just her panic disorder.
From what i read from one sorce or another, They dont seem to have a clue. They all have a different story, You are fine , its nothing to take serious, or You could die in rare cases.
Im here to tell you that i know that there are some of you that have hade surgery, right? Right now im so frustrated, Im short winded off and on, tired to where i dont want to do anything except sleep. But i do feel depressed, My Husband well if he would show at least some interest in what im telling him. He to thinks its my panic disorder, because the emergency room doctor said i had a mild case, after talking on the phone to my doctor. The die that was done about 4 yrs ago showed that the valve wasent leaking as bad as they first thought. But they had me scheduled for surgery til that test showed it was not as bad as the first two test showed. How dose that help me feel better about there openions.The funny thing is i felt fine back then but now im short winded, neck pain. And worried that my doctor is a money man. How could he not know that i spent all those yrs with rhumatic fevor. I know that my records were sent to them The last time i saw them it was at least 4inch thick. This book its telling me that i can change diet, living habits, exercise even if im short winded because it will help it in the long run, and it says that most doctors dont even agree that there is such a thing as mvp syndrome/D Any thoughts? Have anyone read this book. Im looking for a new doctor. I just want to know that my doctor knows what the crap is going on and listens to me, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I haven't read the book - I'm going to look for it, tho.

You're on the right road - many many people on this site had to ditch doctors (sometimes several) until they found one who would listen to them. You deserve better treatment than you're receiving.

Are you being treated for depression? I ask because it sounds like you have some issues that need to be addressed.

Panic disorder - mitral valve prolapse can make your heart more reactive to adrenaline. That's a fact. I think a lot of physical reactions have been lumped together as "panic disorders." I know that when mine (mvp) first acted up I'd get the tachycardia and arrythmia, causing faintness, sweating, cramping, etc. When the heart issues were controlled well with medication the secondary symptoms also disappeared (mostly). If you don't get the cardiac stuff controlled, the secondary symptoms could easily take control of your life (like, who'd want to go shopping if there's a chance you could faint/get diarrhea/sweating . . .)

There are also medical folks who have now decided that mvp was over-diagnosed for years so are giving no credence to those of us who have the problem. I believe that's why I received really bad doctoring for 8 years until the valve failed. And I dumped that doctor and now have a great one.

Further, women don't get a fair hearing in a lot of cases - a lot of incompetent docs just think we're whining, hysterical mental cases.

Hang in there, find a good pcp, get copies of all your medical records, and know that you have support here
Haven't read that book, but have read Lyn Frederickson's "Coping with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome". It was very helpful to me in understanding MVPS from an expert in this area. Ms. Frederickson is an RN.
Thanks for replying

Thanks for replying

I havent read the book by Lyn Frederickson yet, that is what i was looking for when i came across this book. This book says that Mvp And Mvps/R are not the same. If i understand it right, The MVPS/D is symptoms that are the same as MVP. Its low fluid in your body and your body tells itself that it has enough fluid. Thats what causes the fainting and dizzy feeling when you stand up to quick. But mostly that it effects the nervice system that causes a lot of things such as panic disorder. Im only on the 2end chapter. Im having a bad day, feeling that im fighting something i cant see, but i can definetly feel. I think the only thing that will realy help me is finding a good doctor, who can answer my questions and treat my like a person with concerns about my health, and not a nut case. I dont want to have other problems in results of a doctor who wouldnt listen. Dose that make sence?
I do take medication for my panic disorder, and i know that it plays a roll in my good and bad days. But i do understand that mvp is part of that. And i do suffer from depression too. But the doctor wants to put me on wellbutrin, and i read that people with mvp seem to have problems in some cases with wellbutrin, and that it could cause stroke. Now why would i want to take something that they admit that there is not enough study to the drug and mvp to say it is safe. Its like those comercials you see that at the end they tell all the side effects. Im not knocking something that helps people but i dont want something that helps the symptom, i want a cure. Or a drug that can cause worse problems. Ill admit that it is a strugle sometimes, i feel like giving up. But I keep telling myself that its the disorder and just push it out of my head.Thanks for listening to me and i do know that there people out there that have gone through worse the me, and i salute you for your courage, and strenth. Its just that i have been fighting this disorder for over 25yrs and dont seem to get anywhere with it. With the way the world is going, all the disasters, maybe revolations is real close and there will be peace when Christ removes this order and there will be peace and healthy people in the near future. God only knows.

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