The longest you can be off Coumadin?

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Hello I have st Jude valve what's the longest you can be off Coumadin ? My left knee hurts I was thinking of not taking my Coumadin for a couple days , safe?
Your knee hurting has nothing to do with coumadin. Ask your doc why your knee is hurting if it's that bad. The length of time you can safely be off warfarin is kinda like playing "russian roulette". You have five chances out of six that you won't blow your brains out......but ?? Don't go off warfarin without your docs approval.........strokes are not 100% curable.....been there, done that.
I agree with Dick
Do not go off warfarin without your doctors involvement and that being on warfarin has nothing to do with your sore knee

If you go off warfarin for any time you need to use another anticoagulant (all of which are worse if you ask me).

If you go off anticoagulation therapy you run the risk of a clot. Such a clot could be a nice little warning like a TIA, or it could leave you with a permanent facial slack, loss of speech , loss of vision, loss of use of one side of your body ... all of which could lead to loss of job and a permanent disability.

and for what? The idea that your sore knee is related to something which it in all probability is not related to it?

Like the old ad says: "see your doctor if pain persists"
Yeah, I don't think I would stop warfarin for a sore knee.....! There's some potential side effects of no warfarin use that are kind of ugly! See your doc and find out why the knee hurts. Its pretty unlikely that warfarin has anything to do with it.
Sorry, I meant to say it probably effects my repairing time. I also want to get rid of some bruising, I ended up not taking coumadin for one day. I felt fine,
maybe I will try two days. See if that speeds up my knee repairing and bruises.

Thank you
Sorry, I meant to say it probably effects my repairing time. I also want to get rid of some bruising, I ended up not taking coumadin for one day. I felt fine, maybe I will try two days. See if that speeds up my knee repairing and bruises.

Thank you