The Doctor

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
Flipping through cable the other day, I came across a movie called "The Doctor" from 1991. Have any of you seen it??

It is about a rather brusque heart surgeon who gets a dose of what it is like to be a patient when he gets throat cancer. Once he sees what it is like to be a patient, it totally changes the way he treats patients. I could definitely commiserate with the story, the experiences, etc, and would recommend this for any of us!

I watched it also. It's a "must see".
Les AVR '93 / '95
I have a friend who is a hand surgeon who actually had that experience. It was humorous to watch the changes occur, and his family gave him a thorough ribbing about it. Today, his bedside manners have improved greatly.
Great movie

Great movie

I always felt that it is useful for a physician to know what their patients are experiencing. This was a really good movie for any patient to see (and doctor's too).

A lot of doctors out there are really good with their patients, but the select few out there that have no bedside manner.
It's one of my favorites, I've had the tape for a few years now.

Every Doctor, Nurse & medical staff should watch it!

Skill is far more important to me than bedside manner, it just really nice if they can have both!

Will keep an eye out for it. Sounds like a good one Melissa. Thanks. Was it one of those "Lifetime TV" movies?
I saw that movie many yrs ago and remembered how they listen to music when doing surgery. So, I asked the surgical nurse and the anethesiologist to play jazz or classical during my surgery.
I never knew if they actually did, as my surgeon was wearing cowboy boots when I first met him, but I like to think they played the music I wanted to hear. :)
I happen to know that MY surgeon likes the OR to be absolutely silent. He doesn't play music, and he doesn't like a lot of talking. Just the way he works, I guess... If that's the way he wants it, and it's how he can concentrate, I'm all for it. ;)
I saw it in the theater, and loved it. Its a great movie. I believe it"s based on a true story, I think the real Dr. was jewish and from New York. A must see!! HFK
Hi, about the music in the OR, I've seen rock and roll,blues,classical and even radio on following Vikings football games! But every surgeon is so different some like it absolutely quite, no talking, joking etc. I've seen excellent surgeons either way,so don't worry. HFK