The Crud

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
After Glenda's post about her having flu, ect..we have had 11 people to say they had it too. :eek: Spring?..why do you think we are all coming down with this? I know, hubby got his visiting friends in hospital in early March and gave it to me...Do you think ..we all visit Doctor's office, ect. on a regular basis?Germs?I remember last year at this time my PCP 's office called me and said HE had it. :eek: and rescheduled me. :eek: How can we protect our selves?Do we walk around with a mask on? :p I really don't remember many members having the Flu this past winter..seems like it is a Spring thing? I know spring is for allergies..but, I never had it before?Thank goodness, I'm over it..Bonnie

After hearing about the lab that sent a 1957 flu strain in their testkits to labs all over the world, nothing surprises me anymore. :eek:

I am sure there are so many things released that we never hear about and all those germs mix with other germs, creating who knows what.

I have had 2 really awful bronchial infections this past season (one that landed me in the ER). I NEVER used to get sick so something is happening beyond just getting older.

I think we have too many superbugs out there (and I am not talking cars :D ).
Granbonny said:
After Glenda's post about her having flu, ect..we have had 11 people to say they had it too. :eek: Spring?..why do you think we are all coming down with this? I know, hubby got his visiting friends in hospital in early March and gave it to me...Do you think ..we all visit Doctor's office, ect. on a regular basis?Germs?I remember last year at this time my PCP 's office called me and said HE had it. :eek: and rescheduled me. :eek: How can we protect our selves?Do we walk around with a mask on? :p I really don't remember many members having the Flu this past winter..seems like it is a Spring thing? I know spring is for allergies..but, I never had it before?Thank goodness, I'm over it..Bonnie

We have signs posted around the hospital that if you are experiencing Upper Resp wear a mask....hubby has started his seasonal allergies..won't go to the doc for anything for it...stubborn...I got the flu shot last fall but I have never gotten the pneumonia shot....never was asked...I hope I don't get the 'crud' side of the family has gotten it and I have just stayed away...easier...
Seems like the stomach variety around these parts Bonnie. Mostly school aged children. Personally, my daughter and I have not been feeling too regular since we returned from Mexico. :eek:
Had my bout

Had my bout

last winter, do not wish to see it visit again :eek: It put me in the hospital!!! :eek:
The miseries

The miseries

Well, last night my case of the crud advanced from coughing up the artist's pallette to a roaring sore throat. And worse I am fasting in order to have bloodwork at the doc's this morning so I couldn't do my favorite remedies, which are having honey by the spoonful and/or in hot tea. Left to doing gargles with warm salty water.

I've never had my tonsils out and sometimes I wonder if even at my advanced age I should. But I guess following the OHS it really wouldn't be a swell idea, right?

Oh well, thanks for giving me the chance to whine! Hope all of you who are my company in misery will feel better today, and may we all dodge those superbugs!


I am 40 and I still have my tonsils. They will not take them out unless needed to. So we are stuck with them till then. And I am praying to not get the flu, though did the shot.
Granbonny said:
...How can we protect our selves?Do we walk around with a mask on?...

My understanding is that the best protection is frequent hand-washing.

And since the crud invariably is also airborne, I try to avoid places like movie theatres (and airline travel if possible) when it's going around.

Wearing a surgical mask to keep from getting airborne diseases isn't uncommon in Japan, but my understanding is that it contains a certain irony: A surgical mask isn't fine enough to screen out airborne germs, doesn't protect you. But it does protect everyone else by keeping droplets from your mouth from entering the air.

A gas mask might work, but it would seriously impede your social life.

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