Several weeks ago, Al Lodwick and I were disagreeing re the safety of taking Naproxen Sodium (Aleve) while on Coumadin. Rather than clutter up the forum, we took the debate offline via email in hopes we could come up with a common message. Try as we may, we did not. Let me first say that I am not a pharmacist, and that this debate was not about who is right or wrong, it was about my concern given that I had experienced a very heighted INR (close to 7.0) after taking Aleve. I merely have a concern for other forum members. I did the following: I talked to my cardiologist who indicated that he felt that ongoing use of Aleve can cause intestinal bleeding, it can cause affects to the platelet system, and it can cause heightened INR; all of which makes it a drug to be carefull with if taking Coumadin. Next,I talked to a PharmD who came from a clinical practice, but now works for Jantoven who is a maker of one of the generic Coumadin products. He told me he saw Coumadin/Aleve interactions in his practice, some of which were serious. Next I visited the archives of the National Institute of Health. I did a search for "naproxen and coumadin" and got back thirty something abstracts. Some of the studies found no reaction between Coumadin and Naproxen, but one did. That study found significant interaction that in some cases drove the INR up to the 6.0 level or thereabouts. Finally, I visited the Roche website. (Roche makes Aleve) The data sheet for Aleve says: 1. can cause intestinal bleeding 2. can inhibit platelet aggregation
3. quoted study that showed that taking Coumadin and Aleve can result in heightened INRs. A quote from Roche's data sheet - " Patients receiving Naproxen who may be adversly affected by alterations in platelet function, such as those with coagulation disorders or patients receiving anticoagulants should be carefully monitored." Al and I are still friends, and I'll still send my message -If you are taking Coumadin and Aleve, be careful !!!
3. quoted study that showed that taking Coumadin and Aleve can result in heightened INRs. A quote from Roche's data sheet - " Patients receiving Naproxen who may be adversly affected by alterations in platelet function, such as those with coagulation disorders or patients receiving anticoagulants should be carefully monitored." Al and I are still friends, and I'll still send my message -If you are taking Coumadin and Aleve, be careful !!!