I live on a small island with no family and am not the sort of person who likes to 'be a nuisance' so prefer to be independent.
As this is a small island we have to travel to England for our OHS. First I had to fly to England for my angiogram and then a few weeks later for my surgery. I did get a lift to the airport both times then got the airline staff to push me in a wheelchair to the plane, then was collected at the other end again by airport staff. The hospital had arranged for a taxi to meet me at the airport in London and then I was driven to the hospital.
I was allowed to travel home alone the day after my angiogram but when it came to my OHS the hospital insisted that I was collected, it had been my intention to return home alone and fend for myself but they wouldn't hear of it.
My daughter came to the hospital the evening before my OHS and then was there for a few days, surgery on Thursday and she had to go home Saturday or Sunday. I was in hospital about 11 days and had visitors twice in that time.
My daughter and her fiance collected me and took me to their home on the Sunday, I became ill en route and spent the evening in the A&E before being allowed to leave.
My daughter and her fiance both were working so I was left alone all day Tuesday and Wednesday, I couldn't eat or drink as I was feeling too ill. Wednesday evening I moved into an hotel where I intended staying until Saturday but was so ill that my daughter took me to her doctor in the morning and I was admitted to hospital as an emergency, with complete heart block.
My daughter got married the next day so I missed that and then they went on honeymoon at my insistence on the Sunday. I knew no one in that city but a friend of my daughter did visit once and my sister travelled to see me once too.
I stayed in hospital until the following Friday then was taken to the airport by car and was wheelchaired through and then put onto the plane, I couldn't walk. At the airport at home I got a taxi to my home.
I was taken food shopping every few days by one of a couple of friends. Apart from that I basically fended for myself. I just worked out the best way of coping, things like placing a large towel on my bed and changing that instead of changing my bedding. Throwing soiled clothing downstairs instead of carrying it, carrying small amount back upstairs when clean. Most days I saw no one, nor spoke to anyone by phone.
I used taxis most of the time before I could drive again.
I just had to get on with it.