The Blue Man

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
Did anyone else see the "blue man" on Oprah this afternoon? Or anywhere else?

Apparently this fellow has been drinking colloidal silver (silver particles suspended in a gelatinous base) for several years. He also applied it to his face. He has sandy blonde hair and because he has been in the sun his face has turned a grey-blue. Quite startling.
:eek: I googled blue-man...WOW!!!! that dude looks wierd!...dont you reckon he would have stopped drinking the stuff when he was a lighter shade of blue?...I read that he may never return to normal colour:eek:
yes colloidal silver is great stuff. However in moderation and only when you have a problem.(sore throat,etc) The side effect is the discoloration that I do believe will never return to normal. Poor guy, Not sure what he was thinking!! A little short on brain cells???? Silver in small amounts only when needed is the lesson here!