If you need a salt shaker at the dinner table you need to throw it and all other salt in your kitchen out NOW.
Salt makes your body retain fluids, in ANYONE, regardless of health status. If you have a heart condition, whether acquired or congenital, you do not need salt for anything.
The US-FDA recommends something like 2,000mg of salt per day, no more though your body only needs 200mg to function normally. If you have CHF you should know better.
My responses to the questions listed:
1) Do you take enough undies for your stay in the hospital?
I had two pairs, one got "toasted" and the other was useful for the ride home.
2) Can you wear jammies or do you have to wear hospital gown the entire stay?
Loose jammies are nice if you're only going to be in for a night or two. I had an initial workup a few months before surgery and one of the things they did was a cath study. I was on bedrest for 8 hours and ended up staying the night since I had to come back the next day anyway for more testing. Having the jammies (my wife got me a pair of Disney "Grumpy" pajamas for Christmas just a month before, they were a size too big) was handy the next day, in fact I wore the pants and a sweatshirt all day long.
3) Do you need to take a robe?
I brought mine and was using it as they took out some of the IV's (don't ask how many I had, I can't count that high!) and it was nice for when I felt cold or was moving around on the floor.
4) Is a urinary catheter used? if so, how long? ? Yup, for as long as they feel you need it.
5) How long do you use bedpan? Not counting my time on the vent (I was in diapers, or so I've been told) it really depends on how well you can move in and out of bed, if at all. I usually used a portable potty chair thing and a plastic urinal. As I got more mobile they let me use an accessible bathroom in the step-down unit I was in. I also got to shower there a few times and brush my teeth. First time I saw myself in the mirror was rather mind-blowing. "Mack truck" just doesn't cover what I had been through....
6) Do you wear street clothes or jammies for ride home?
Street clothes I had packed before going in. I had a duffle bag with neccesities including travel bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, electric razor and such.
7) How soon do you get to eat real food?
I'm not a good one to answer this, was on a vent for a very long time and had complications from it. THROW THE FRIGGIN' SALT SHAKER OUT!!! =)
Final note. I also had a few books to read, a portable CD player with a small case of CD's, a pad of paper for writing, pencils and a sharpener and, because I draw, a sketchpad and colored pencils.
Oh, and if you go for any kind of long tests where you're just laying on your back for a long time (ie. MRI) bring a few favorite CD's and either they'll play them for you or you can listen on your portable CD player. I spent almost 2 hours in an MRI scanner (the computer kept crashing) and listened to "elevator music..." A serious test of patience and sanity! I wish I had my CD player with me. I had left it in the room without knowing I might want it.