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Active member
Jan 29, 2009
Concord NH
I had my Cardiac cath on friday, ( happy Birthday to me , my birthday is today). I had a couple of complications during in the OR I had a reaction to the contrast. In Recovery I almost vageled when they were removing the caths out of my artery. It never fails I can never be traditional. When my Cardiologist( Dr Laham) met with me he reproted I would not need surgery for 1 yr to 2. But when my cardiac surgeon met with me and my family he said I am starting to develop pulmonary hypertension but not bad. Dr Kamal Khabbaz said he wants to do surgery in 2-4 weeks. he will be calling to set up my pre- op and then we will schedule my date. Has anyone else had surgery from Dr Khabbaz at Beth ISreal Deaconeses in Bostin MA? I am relieved to be close but still freaked out at the same time.
Another happy birthday wish to you! It sounds like things are moving forward. Good luck and let us know how things go. Sorry I can't be of help with your question.