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hi all thanks for all the concern for my daughter and the great info i just wish the family doc would refer me to a cardiologist but my doctor see no concern for this
Hi Ohio. Here, we will help you get tougher about advocating for your children and yourself. Your daughter's physician is responsible for giving your daughter good advice, but ultimately, while she is under 18, YOU are responsible for her. If you do not feel she is being thoroughly attended to, then either insist on a referral to a cardiologist, or get a second opinion from a general practitioner. You are totally in your rights as a parent to push on this some. You want more information. Plain and simple. You want your child seen by a specialist. Just tell him to do it. You can. You really can.

Good luck. Keep at it if you think you should!

:) Marguerite
Thanks, I wouldn't be worried so much about it, but with her symptoms it really sounds like there is something wrong. Thanks again, and I'll stay in touch with more updates.
Marguerite53 said:
Hi Ohio. Here, we will help you get tougher about advocating for your children and yourself. Your daughter's physician is responsible for giving your daughter good advice, but ultimately, while she is under 18, YOU are responsible for her. If you do not feel she is being thoroughly attended to, then either insist on a referral to a cardiologist, or get a second opinion from a general practitioner. You are totally in your rights as a parent to push on this some. You want more information. Plain and simple. You want your child seen by a specialist. Just tell him to do it. You can. You really can.

Good luck. Keep at it if you think you should!

:) Marguerite
Can only stress Maguerite's advice- you must push your present doctor for a referral to a cardiologist or see another general practitioner and see if he or she will refer you to a cardiologist. Hopefully, like many BAV patients, she has a long time to go before she will need surgery, but you need to get a cardiologist's opinion. Hope you get some answers soon.
Best wishes,
I agree...
either push your Doc much harder and say you wont stop until you get her referred...or just go see another one and straight-out ask for a referral to a paediatric cardio for her....

What are her symptoms that are worrying you?...have you stressed to your Doctor your concern about these symptoms....

It took me about 3 weeks of continually asking to get my 3 kids screened...I must have asked 4 or 5 times in as many separate visits :rolleyes: :mad: ..I was getting quite frustrated...but once I had the first kid diagnosed it was easy from there...

It took even longer than that for me to get my Doc to write the referral up for me to be reviewed by my Cardio a year before I was due...He just didnt think there was anything wrong with me cos I look normal and healthy...(that is until you see the inside of me). My review showed up an aneurysm that needs fixing fairly I dont have any problems with the very same Doctor that I was nagging before.

You cant keep going on worrying like this...its too much stress . She should be checked out by a Paediatric Cardio.

We are all here to give support and encouragement...its tricky at first but soon you will get the medical-help you need for her and than this little struggle will just be a distant memory.

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