Thanks to KimC and fher Brother

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KimC, I wanted to extend a special thanks to you and your brother for him checking up on me. That was so unbelievable and actually kind of an exceptional feeling to have a face associated with the boards. It just hammered home how real all everyone's concerns is here. He in a way represented all of you. I hope he didn't think I was acting too weird. It was during my 'not so feeling good time', but perfect timing because it really cheered me up. He came up with a collegue, knocked on my door while I was sitting in the recliner next to the bed. When I turned and looked, I saw two doctors which wasn't an unusual sight. I thought 'Oh geez, more people to poke at me' LOL. Then I noticed the 'Neurologist'. That's when he introduced himself and it was such a delight. So thank him for me and tell him sorry if I was acting odd!!!!

My pleasure! Jeff said that you were a sharp guy, whatever that means. He was impressed and didn't mention anything about you acting weird! Give yourself a break anyway! You were just cracked!!! :)

I'm still in Ft. Wayne. I saw Dr. Mattson of the Heart Group last week; he confirmed my diagnosis of mild-to-moderate AI and TI. He isn't sure why I'm having symptoms but said it's plausibe given that two valves are leaking. I had a cardiac MRI today in Indy at St. Vincent's to investigate further. I'll be posting the results when I have them.

I hope you're feeling well. I'll share your note with my brother.

I'm glad you found this site. You know, Dr. Ladowski bought the house I grew up in. He lives on Forest Pk. Blvd. My dad said he's great.

Congratulations -- you made it to the other side!

God bless,
Kim, thanks! I hope your tests go well!!!

My father-in-law lives right next to Forest Park. What a beautiful old neighborhood that is. I love walking down that strip admiring those enormous classic homes.

Thanks for sharing my note with your brother. Again it was great to meet him.

You know, my stepmother used that same term and it made me mad. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

My dad "cracks skulls," (he's a neurosurgeon) so I think I've developed some of his and my family's insensitivity about such life-threatening operations.

Don't tell me wife I'm a lobster!!! That's her favorite! heh heh

I do like that expression, though. I've been telling everyone ' I just had a zipper installed'.
I prefer to think we were filleted and then had zippers installed. Sometimes I wish they really were zippers! :eek:
To Darren from Jeff

To Darren from Jeff


I shared your post w/ Jeff. Here's his note back. He sent it in AOL mail:

Darren seemed like a great guy and was doing exceptionally well for such a major operation--a real champ! Congratulations Darren and I wish you the best with your new life.

Jeff Kachmann, MD


I thought it was funny he included his title. Typical! You should've grown up with him ...


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