KimC, I wanted to extend a special thanks to you and your brother for him checking up on me. That was so unbelievable and actually kind of an exceptional feeling to have a face associated with the boards. It just hammered home how real all everyone's concerns is here. He in a way represented all of you. I hope he didn't think I was acting too weird. It was during my 'not so feeling good time', but perfect timing because it really cheered me up. He came up with a collegue, knocked on my door while I was sitting in the recliner next to the bed. When I turned and looked, I saw two doctors which wasn't an unusual sight. I thought 'Oh geez, more people to poke at me' LOL. Then I noticed the 'Neurologist'. That's when he introduced himself and it was such a delight. So thank him for me and tell him sorry if I was acting odd!!!!