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About a month ago, I had my first appointment with a cardio. He was very nice, but not great at discussion/ education. "Well, it's bad. Your aortic valve isn't working. Take antibiotics before any dental work. See you in a month." I was terrified. Thank goodness I found this place. After hours and hours of reading here (and suggested resources) I feel so informed and much more at ease.
Yesterday, I met with a surgeon. This appointment I could finish his sentences (in my head - not outloud ;) ). Almost everything we discussed, I already knew. I felt so much better - so much more confident. Thank you all SO much.
Only 2 surprises during the visit - he thinks my dizziness is unrelated (?) (LOTS of dizziness), and I have to have a tubal ligation. I have 4 kids - so I am ok with it - I was just surprised. After the tubal, I will have a cath - and then we will schedule surgery. My numbers are good - so he said we could wait a bit, until they start to turn, but because of the symptoms he thinks it is better too soon than too late - and I agree.

I have one question for you guys...
From my reading - I was leaning toward an On X valve; not in stone, just a preliminary preference. I asked if he typically uses the same brand of valve - yes, St. Jude. Would you prefer the On X anyway - or prefer the valve with which he is most familiar?

Thank you again. If I had this appt. a month ago - I would be so scared. Now, I feel informed and confident - you guys ROCK:D
If he's implanted On-X before and is capable of doing it, I don't see why not go that route. There are circumstances where it cannot be used. There is absolutely nothing wrong with St. Jude though. Most of us are "hoping" that the asprin only trials in Europe will mean something here in the not to distant future from On-X. It may never happen, but if it did and you had the valve, your ahead of the game.
I am so glad that you found this home... I completely echo your comfort found here... I had so many questions answered..and got such great support!! this is a very comforting site!