Thank you everyone!!

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I just wanted to say thank you all so very much for all your prayers and well wishes. I'll write more tomorrow and let you all know what happened. I'm just really tired now. Dr. Ferraro wasn't happy with some of the pulmonary problems i was having so he scheduled a cat scan of my lungs to check for blood clots last night and by the time they got the special large IV in for the dye (and i have the worst veins so it took quite a while to find one and hit the vein) and got the the test done it was almost Midnight. Then they let the vampires out a little after 5 AM so she woke me up to draw blood and then i never got back to sleep. So that's why i'm tired. My aide has people up until 7:30 PM so she can't come early, or i would have had her come earlier. She's coming at 8 and then i can go to sleep. I got mostly bad news unfortunately, but he did get my valve opened up somewhat. I'll let you know tomorrow. Thank you again for're a really special bunch of people! Many, many thanks to Norma too for calling me and for letting you all know how i'm doing. She's one special person! Goodnight...i'll be back tomorrow. Dawn-Marie
Welcome home, Dawn-Marie. Get some rest and take good care. Glad to hear from you...look forward to your post when you are feeling up to it.
Sending hugs and prayers,
Glad you are home Dawn-Marie. Sleep well and we will look forward to hearing more later.
Good news, Dawn. You made it through and they were able to open the area up some. Hopefully that will help you. And I hope they can get to the bottom of the pulmonary problems.
Dawn you and your Kitty's get a good night sleep. I'm sure they are glad you are home and will love all the hugs. Prayers and best wishes.
Welcome Hom, Dawn-Marie. Hope you and the kitties have a sweet time together and you get some good rest.

Sleep well.......
Dawn-Marie, good to hear you are home - there is nothing like your own place and your onw bed and your own routine ! Looking forward to a really really long detailed post. and yes, that Norma is one special lady !
Dawn Marie, Thanks for posting. You are right, this is a special group, and you are a special part of it. Please know, my thoughts and prayers are always with you. Brian
Welcome back and home Dawn-Marie to VR We missed you:)

Sweet dreams till tomorrow sleep well.

zipper2 (DEB)
As you sleep be assured that your friends continue to pray and wish nothing less than for the absolute best outcome for you. Be satisfied dear lady. You have answered the call that you must try to get through these trials admirably. You have, sweetheart. You surely have done more than what has been asked.

I wish you strength, hope and peace. With those three things, you are an invincible soul.

Take Heart, every day will bring you closer to an answer,
Has anyone heard from Dawn-Marie

Has anyone heard from Dawn-Marie

Such hope all is well, my best wishes and prayers are being sent for her.
Such hope all is well, my best wishes and prayers are being sent for her.

She called me on Sunday evening & didn't sound too well. She said that she actually felt better before they did the procedure.

I was hoping to see a post from her yesterday but nothing. I will give her a call this afternoon & see how she's doing.