Thank you again, Ross. Bless you.

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I would like to thank Ross for, once again, protecting the site - and us. He has deep sixed the 'drug' thread. I agree that it has no place in Valve Replacement.

I also think that some threads just go on and on and on. Answers get so long that the interest in reading them drops with every new post. Can we just shorten some of our posts once the original questions/discussion is covered?


Any others feel this way?
My gut said no right away, then I went back and looked at the political thread that caused me so much grief, then I gave some serious thought about who is reading this site. My gut screamed close it. I realize that position is not popular with everyone, but you know what? This isn't a popularity contest. I have to look at the best interests of this site, not what pleases people to be able to say. What's next, Incest-The art of loving your relatives? Murder-Which tool does the most damage? I don't care how you look at it. Wrong is wrong. You can try to rationalize and say "yeah it's wrong, but people do it" all you want, wrong does not deserve a place on a site for surgery and support of those that are truly trying to save their lives, not screw them up or kill themselves.

I cannot believe how much our society has deteriorated and total lack of moral fiber any more. I'm no saint myself, but what I see going on around here is becoming totally ridiculous and further away from the intentions of this site then ever before.

End of rant
I don't know if this site has a mission statement or not, but I'm willing to bet that suggesting "safe" illegal drugs for valve patients or anyone else for that matter, is not in the mission statement.

All kinds of people view this site, patients, medical professionals, family members and friends of valve patients, some of these people are scared out of their wits. The subjects we deal with are serious and sometimes life-threatening. We have a wealth of information to impart to those who need help and it's important and we DO help many. It should not be "sillified" (is that a word?).

Sure we do discuss different things from time to time have a little fun and even get into heated debates, and that's OK, but suggesting dangerous and illegal stuff to others is something that needs to be prevented.

So, thanks, Ross. Good job.
hensylee said:
I would like to thank Ross for, once again, protecting the site - and us. He has deep sixed the 'drug' thread. I agree that it has no place in Valve Replacement.

I also think that some threads just go on and on and on. Answers get so long that the interest in reading them drops with every new post. Can we just shorten some of our posts once the original questions/discussion is covered?


Any others feel this way?

I'm assuming y'all are talking about the "do we approve" thread. I still have my doubts (as I said in my post) that it was legit and I think Ross was right to pull it. Things like that probably don't belong on "our" site. However, what is one persons cup of tea is another persons worse nightmare. What if that person was legit and one person (only takes one) was able to (remember the kids you raised and grandkids you "raise" now) reach through and prevent further abuse? Just my 2 cents!!!

On the other point about "shortening" our posts, I feel that is not what this site is about. You need ever so often to get things off your chest. Unless we establish an "abreviated terminoligy (sp)" listing that everyone is to use, then some posts, just by their nature, may turn out to be long. We must remember that new people join this site each and every day. Newbees might not know what "inr" are "OHS" mean. Sometimes the "poster" is looking for reassurance and some measure of guidance. If it takes a lot of words to get your point across, who are we to dictate what is "short" and what is "too much"? As for just "referring" to previous postings, why make a "newbee" have to go out searching for the information he or she desires? Give it to them up front.

Some threads do seem to take a turn "off the subject" but most are humerous turns. From what we've all been through (or what we are facing) we all need to laugh. We each have enough crying already. And if the post is too long for your taste (IS ANYONE STILL HERE!!!) then do like you do a radio or TV program you don't like and "turn it off". I don't read (or quickly scan) some threads because I either have not experienced that particular subject or have no comment that would "add" to the discussion. Lets keep this "family" site as an "open forum" (to some degree) and if you don't want to hear something just "put your hands over your ears--or is that your eyes) Just my Buck and a Half.

May God Bless,

I absolutely think you did the right thing. I thought we agreed to given conditions when we became members. My recollection was that Hank said there were certain things that could not be included, and we had to abide by it, or we were gone ( Smitted? Smitten?)
A discussion of illegal drugs, and members saying that they have/had used them, seems to me to fall under this heading. This is a far different thread than the political opinions. Political differences and airing of opinions are encouraged in the United States. The last time I looked, the laws of the land still say the drugs referred to in the original post, if used, will land you in jail.

You done good Ross.

I think you did the right thing in closing the thread. I did also question the ligitimacy of the original post. However I would like to say one thing about my reasoning to admit past indiscretions.

Assuming the post WAS real and, in some bizarre way, this person was seeking real assistance (sometimes people are really cocky when they "ask for help"), I wanted to try and help. One of the things I try to do is use my past experiences (positive and negative) to aid valvers in moving their lives forward.

As I stated in my post, I regret my past choice and feel I have learned my lesson big time. I am sure there are things in everyone's life, that happened long ago, for which we are sorry and wish did not happen. I wish I did not have to have 3 OHSs but, "fact is fact" and it is now part of my life. If I can use that to help others, I will do so.

That being said, the thread did get into too much detail and provide too much detail on an illegal activity. I believe that is why it should have been closed and not so much because someone (real or not) requested assistance with a "problem".

I am sorry if I offended anyone by exposing a "dirty little secret" but learning by and admitting our mistakes is part of life's journey.

And, BTW, thanks for looking out for things.
Hensylee (Ann)

Hensylee (Ann)

Things have really changed on When I joined 3 years ago..(celebrated my 3rd Ann. on March 25th (yesterday) :) with a new Heart valve :) ..Never thought I would see 113 replies and 1,098 views on the Terry Schiapo thread :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Years ago, with my 3,498 posts and your 4,736 used to be helping newbies coming in for Great information for Pre and post surgery.... Gosh, with Ross, Nancy and others we have helped..what maybe a hundred valvers got thru their surgery and they all turned out fine :) :) :) and gone on to live normal lives. :) Now, we are lucky to have members with new pre and post valvers a handful :eek: of good wishes... Seems like most are hung up with the small talk thread..which is fine...........Ross posted my new Russian Grandchildren a few days ago..but, will ask him to take it down in a few days....taking up too much space on VR.Com.. ....Bonnie (Ann is my Vr.Com avator buddy) :) :) :)


Ross has 7,411 posts and Nancy .5, 509 posts... :) :) :) :) :) and Folks..those were not on small talk...It was helping new valvers :) . for their questions on Valve replacements.. VERY serious questions..Bonnie
geebee said:
I am sorry if I offended anyone by exposing a "dirty little secret" but learning by and admitting our mistakes is part of life's journey.

Hmph...if only some companies would admit mistakes, too, the Cubs might be a World Series winner...and a certain car maker might actually be selling Monte Carlos today....


But, on the more serious note....

Granbonny said:
Now, we are lucky to have members with new pre and post valvers a handful of good wishes... Seems like most are hung up with the small talk thread..which is fine...........

No, no it's not.

And, I type that as one of the guilty parties.

I don't really have what some would call a "valid" explanation for why I don't post in the pre and post surgery threads much, except to say that I am limited on time (a by-product of way too many interests, I know) and I don't want to be "favoring" one poster over another, if that makes any sense. Yeah, I doesn't... :(.

Most people who know me realize that, whether or not I post, I'm always keeping them in my thoughts/prayers. At least...that is my hope that they realize this.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB =
MC Guide =
"Most Complete Lineup," Chevy claims in ad ... but how?
What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new? Wish I knew...
yes my post was real.

yes my post was real.

Thankyou to all the people that responded to my post.
I really don?t agree with Ross closing my thread as my opinion and what I do is me as a person and I was asking for help. I think my question is as valid as the next and being one of the only heart valve sites around yes it dose belong here.
Sorry that most of you are of a different age group that think drug use is crazy but if you looked to the younger people in your community you would see that it is more acceptable then you think.
As far as I was aware this site is open to everyone that has been in the zipper club and wants the help and opinions of others, what happened to freedom of ideas Ross. Just because you are of different opinion doesn?t mean you are right. No Ross it really doesn?t and I have had heaps of privet messages to prove that.
To those of you I offended, Sorry and you can go back to your Knitting and cake decorating remember not to look out the window or you might see something you don?t like.
I post just as much (if not more) on pre and post surgery threads as small talk. I just think the Terri Schiavo case is not totally without merit to us. It certainly brings to light the necessity of making our wishes known and I bet there are many out there that have not done so despite our OHS histories. I admit to being one of those who is active on that thread but I feel strongly about it because of my mother.

Yes, maybe it has gotten a bit long but it is an issue some of us feel strongly about. Maybe was created just to discuss valve replacement but aren't issues outside that arena ones that we deal with and face important too?

I am curious tho. Ross, does it cost more to maintain this website as it gets larger? If so, then I agree these types of threads should be discontinued. If not, can't we just keep them and if it something is not interesting to someone, just don't participate?

I do not see those of us that post a lot (even if we are fairly new members) ignoring valve problems and questions in favor of small talk threads. If I am wrong, I apologize, but I think everything is covered.
Ben mac said:
Thankyou to all the people that responded to my post.
I really don?t agree with Ross closing my thread as my opinion and what I do is me as a person and I was asking for help. I think my question is as valid as the next and being one of the only heart valve sites around yes it dose belong here.
Sorry that most of you are of a different age group that think drug use is crazy but if you looked to the younger people in your community you would see that it is more acceptable then you think.
As far as I was aware this site is open to everyone that has been in the zipper club and wants the help and opinions of others, what happened to freedom of ideas Ross. Just because you are of different opinion doesn?t mean you are right. No Ross it really doesn?t and I have had heaps of privet messages to prove that.
To those of you I offended, Sorry and you can go back to your Knitting and cake decorating remember not to look out the window or you might see something you don?t like.

Well Ben I'm sorry you feel that way, but I obviously was right in doing it, as your thread was outright deleted by the Administrator of the site. I was young and dumb at one time myself. To go through a surgery of this magnitude and be given a second chance at life, then to turn around and screw it all up with drugs, just so you can hang with the friends, well that just doesn't make you appear very intelligent. Not only that, but hanging your laundry out on the web like that while it's being cataloged by every web bot known and could very well come back to haunt you big time right when you really don't need it too, say 10 years down the road when your getting really established with a great company, buying a new house and raising kids of your own. Imagine this scenario--Web bot has the whole conversation logged, employer and credit bureaus run the back ground checks and what do they see? Do you really think they are going to risk themselves for you?

Speaking of kids, just what on Earth are you going do as a parent. Are they going to pick up where dad left off or are you going to see to it that they do things differently?

I do not care how young you are, drug abuse is not acceptable in any society that I know of. Sure it's ever present, but it is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination. For some reason, society as a whole no longer knows what's wrong or whats right. According to what your saying, no matter what should be allowed because plenty of people do it. Wouldn't you feel great if everyone did? Including the surgeon that fixed you? Maybe he could of been on XTC and done some real work on you then. Now is it really right and acceptable? For too damn long people have looked the other way and just go with the flow and then we wonder why the world is such a mess. What more need I say?

It's not a personal attack on you Ben, it's cold harsh reality, and yes, sometimes reality sucks. There are some people here that think anything at all should be discussed without interventions of any type. Pretty much another Wild Lawless West Web Style.
That is not what this site is here for. I can go on and on, but there is no need too. If you need help, consult one who can help you, but airing the whole thing in public is just not a smart thing to do.

For the secret society that runs behind the scenes--Why PM a person? If all of this is so acceptable, why didn't you just post what you had to say? Seems to me we have a few folks stoking a fire here.

If you simply must discuss this on a forum, I'd suggest you join this one: