Ben mac said:
Thankyou to all the people that responded to my post.
I really don?t agree with Ross closing my thread as my opinion and what I do is me as a person and I was asking for help. I think my question is as valid as the next and being one of the only heart valve sites around yes it dose belong here.
Sorry that most of you are of a different age group that think drug use is crazy but if you looked to the younger people in your community you would see that it is more acceptable then you think.
As far as I was aware this site is open to everyone that has been in the zipper club and wants the help and opinions of others, what happened to freedom of ideas Ross. Just because you are of different opinion doesn?t mean you are right. No Ross it really doesn?t and I have had heaps of privet messages to prove that.
To those of you I offended, Sorry and you can go back to your Knitting and cake decorating remember not to look out the window or you might see something you don?t like.
Well Ben I'm sorry you feel that way, but I obviously was right in doing it, as your thread was outright deleted by the Administrator of the site. I was young and dumb at one time myself. To go through a surgery of this magnitude and be given a second chance at life, then to turn around and screw it all up with drugs, just so you can hang with the friends, well that just doesn't make you appear very intelligent. Not only that, but hanging your laundry out on the web like that while it's being cataloged by every web bot known and could very well come back to haunt you big time right when you really don't need it too, say 10 years down the road when your getting really established with a great company, buying a new house and raising kids of your own. Imagine this scenario--Web bot has the whole conversation logged, employer and credit bureaus run the back ground checks and what do they see? Do you really think they are going to risk themselves for you?
Speaking of kids, just what on Earth are you going do as a parent. Are they going to pick up where dad left off or are you going to see to it that they do things differently?
I do not care how young you are, drug abuse is not acceptable in any society that I know of. Sure it's ever present, but it is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination. For some reason, society as a whole no longer knows what's wrong or whats right. According to what your saying, no matter what should be allowed because plenty of people do it. Wouldn't you feel great if everyone did? Including the surgeon that fixed you? Maybe he could of been on XTC and done some real work on you then. Now is it really right and acceptable? For too damn long people have looked the other way and just go with the flow and then we wonder why the world is such a mess. What more need I say?
It's not a personal attack on you Ben, it's cold harsh reality, and yes, sometimes reality sucks. There are some people here that think anything at all should be discussed without interventions of any type. Pretty much another Wild Lawless West Web Style.
That is not what this site is here for. I can go on and on, but there is no need too. If you need help, consult one who can help you, but airing the whole thing in public is just not a smart thing to do.
For the secret society that runs behind the scenes--Why PM a person? If all of this is so acceptable, why didn't you just post what you had to say? Seems to me we have a few folks stoking a fire here.
If you simply must discuss this on a forum, I'd suggest you join this one: