Thank goodness for the pup..

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Pup shoots man, saves litter mates
Thursday, September 9, 2004 Posted: 7:03 AM EDT (1103 GMT)

PENSACOLA, Florida (AP) -- Nice shootin', Rex!

A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver's trigger.

Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, was charged with felony animal cruelty, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday. He was being treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to his wrist.

Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old shepherd-mix dogs in the head because he couldn't find them a home, according to the sheriff's office.

On Monday, Bradford was holding two puppies -- one in his arms and another in his left hand -- when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger of the .38-caliber revolver. The gun then discharged, the sheriff's report said.

Deputies found three of the puppies in a shallow grave outside Bradford's home, said sheriff's Sgt. Ted Roy.

The other four appeared to be in good health and were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, which planned to make them available for adoption.

This was about 45 miles from me.the news showed the puppies, they are so cute..poor babies..
Heres the hero!!

Heres the hero!!

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Disgusting on the man's part.
Glad the puppy knew how to use a gun, though...

I am always horrified at inhumane we are to animals -- as well as children, anything that's unable to defend and care for itself.

I hope Florida's laws against animal cruelty have teeth.
Just sorry, the pup, wasn't a better shot...Guy, was too lazy to take them to a shelter..Bonnie