Tell me about your mini or partial Sternotomy

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I have been trying to schedule a minimally invasive (between the ribs) MV repair, however my HMO is only going to approve for me to go to a surgeon who will do it by a mini sternotomy. Please tell me how yours went and how soon you were back to work/normal activity, pain, comfort and anything else.

Dick had a mini sternotomy AV replacement. He was operated on on a Thursday and dismissed on Sunday. He at no time in the hospital or recovery at home had any pain from the incision. His recovery was without complications, dismissed by surgeon at six weeks, walking 3 miles by then, riding a bike at 8 weeks (stationary bike before that), playing tennis and golf at 3 months. The only pain he had was shoulder pain which was helped by frequent massages and Tylenol.
I had a mini sternotomy done mid September and am very pleased with the results. The scar is small (just under 4 inches) and, at 7 weeks post surgery, I am able to do everything I did before surgery. However, that said, this was still major surgery and it felt like it. There were only a few days that the pain was very bad, but I wasn't able to sleep on my side until week 6 and it still hurts some when I take a deep breath or turn around to back out of my driveway. Also, I have a fairly large (maybe 4 inch across) area of my chest that is numb to the touch, and it's unclear how much feeling will return to it.

As my cardiologist told me, this surgery provides a better cosmetic result and a small reduction in healing time (maybe one less day in the hospital and one less week before the sternum is fully healed.) That may not seem like much, but let me tell you, I was very grateful for that day and that week at the time. Overall, I'm very glad I got the mini, but I think it's important to have realistic expectations about it. Best of luck, Kate
As far as the time of recovery, I don't think the size or type of incision makes much of a difference. This is major major (as opposed to just major) surgery and the heart needs time to heal. I agree that you need to be realistic about recovery time - 6 weeks is probably the minimum you should expect to be out of commission for all intents and purposes - you'll be very tired and limited in what you can do.

Your physical functioning prior to surgery is probably a better predictor of how quickly you'll bounce back after surgery - if you have chf, sob, etc., it'll take longer to regain your strength than if you've have surgery before your health has deteriorated.
I had Minimally inv. AVR on September 26...My recovery has been spectacular considering it is major surgery. I am walking great and every day I feel stronger. By post week 2 I did still have back and shoulder pain and even now at the end of the day feel it, but tylenol takes care of that. i will be off all meds by Nov 20 and just will be taking an aspirin a day. I do have some numbness under my right, which I am told contains a nerve bundle, but this too is getting better. I am a dancer and expect to be tap dancing in January. I had no symptons, so I can't say I feel better than before, but I am thankful it was picked up while I was in good shape. Good luck

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