Tanning Beds?

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Jul 19, 2007
Are Tanning Beds a good/bad thing for a mechanical and warfarin user?

Its been said that warfarin causes the skin to tan/burn quickly, so I'm thinking using a tanning bed is not a good thing.

And what about exposing the scar in the tanning bed?

Apparently its HIGHLY recommended to use a tanning bed numerous of times before heading off to this certain country - I truly doubt that its going to happen, but thought I would ask anyways.

Many thanks in advance.
Since there has been no replies, I'll assume that no one knows a good answer. So I'll accept the answer is NO to the above questions.
Kinda figured as much anyways
Since there has been no replies, I'll assume that no one knows a good answer. So I'll accept the answer is NO to the above questions.
Kinda figured as much anyways


I read your thread and I did not know what to say. You guessed it; unless someone other than Cooker might come up with a different answer;):D
ok, I never saw this thread.....sorry.
I know that you are thinking of getting some kind of base tan in order to not fry when visiting a beach, etc.
My neighbour goes to tanning salons for a few sessions in the spring before golf season so that he does not burn to a crisp on his first full day out on the course.
Freddie, if you are not making a long term habit out of it, I would think that it's okay in limited amounts to prepare for a down south vacation.
Bon Voyage??
Wishful thinking on my part. There will be no Bon Voyage party for me.

Was just curious about the answer, as there has been 2 offers to go to Mexico, but of course my SO turned them down :(
Been There.....Done That.....Won't Ever Do It Again...LOL

Been There.....Done That.....Won't Ever Do It Again...LOL

A few years ago, I was given an opportunity to go to Aruba with a friend of mine, and it was suggested that we tan a bit in a tanning booth before going to Aruba as fair skinned people, like myself really fry in the Aruban sun. Well, I did a whole lot worse in the tanning booth...I am alergic to the UV Rays in the tanning booth and developed a huge rash on my inner thighs after only a few minutes of tanning....so never again. I still fried in Aruba, but not to the extent of the tanning booth. :cool::eek::mad::(:cool::(
So, go without him. Do you have a neighbour or buddy who wants to go?
I know of several couples who take separate vacations. Not everyone likes to travel....

You know the saying "don't leave home without it"?
Well the saying around here is "can't leave home without the SO"!

This will conclude the end of this thread.

Thanks for the in put.:eek:

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