I feel for you!! There was a lot happening around the same time as my heart surgery too. I kept wondering if it was ever going to stop!!

The good news, it has slowed down a lot and things are going better!
The day that I was released from the hospital after OHS, my Dad was on his way to the hospital in Denver (on the other side of the state), to figure out what was wrong with him after being sick for 2 mths. By the time they figured out what was wrong with him, I was back in the hospital with pneumonia!!

My husband came in to see me one morning and closed the door behind him...I knew something was up. He said, I just got a call from your dad and he's been diagnosed with cancer (lymphoma) and West Nile Virus and Gillian Barre'!!! All at the same time!! Things got worse for him, he ended up being paralyzed and bedridden and spent 4 mths. in the hospital. I am happy to say that he is now home and walking on his own again!!!

During all of this....my mom who lives in Washington State called to say that she was having surgery too. At least her's wasn't anything major and she came through it just fine!! My daughter was also facing sinus surgery, but they were able to finally get it under control with out the surgery. Boy, I tell ya, you really do wonder when it's ever going to end!!!
Now that I'm on the other side of all of this, I can say that things will get better!! Just keep your chin up and get through each day, one at a time!!! I hope your mom gets good news about her heart and that you're husband and step mom are recovering well!! Hang in there, it will get better!!