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Anne K Sippit

Now that I am at the one year mark after my mitral valve repair I realize I got far more from this forum than I have returned. For those going into a procedure the waiting and anxiety and level of support is enormous. I fed off the support of those in this forum a great deal and I thank everyone. One year after the fact I feel I did not support those who came after me like those who went before me. At the one year mark however, I would like all of those who are imminent and uncertain about the future to realize the anxiety and waiting and "butterflies" are the worst time of the journey. Have it done. Be brave. Life is beautiful. Recovery is rapid. And if anyone cares.... I feel wonderful now.
Nicely said. One of the things that makes this forum successful is that people are free to take what they need and give what they can. People come and go here - some stay longer than others and provide a strong backbone. I believe that most people are inherently good and are willing to share their experiences in life to help others. Sometimes they do that here, sometimes they do it somewhere else.

I didn't find this forum until after my surgery (but then again, I only had 2 weeks from my first visit with my PCP until surgery) but in those uncertain days afterward I really found strength here - from recovery issues to learning how to acquire a test meter, to learning how to manage my warfarin.

Quite a place - so thank you for wanting to give back, and thanks to all the people who make this site what it is.
What a positive and timely post! I feel very blessed to have found this forum early on. Now that I am scheduled to see a surgeon (as of today), I will draw strength from those who have walked the journey ahead of me.

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Have it done. Be brave. Life is beautiful. Recovery is rapid. And if anyone cares.... I feel wonderful now.

Well said Anne. I stumbled on this site a couple years ago and even on old war horse like me has learned much from the experiences of others on this forum. This is a tremendous resource for any new person facing OHS. We have all felt that inner fear when told we need our HEART operated on:eek: and it is reassuring to speak via the internet with so many who have been thru it. May you continue your successful recovery.
Now that I am at the one year mark after my mitral valve repair I realize I got far more from this forum than I have returned. For those going into a procedure the waiting and anxiety and level of support is enormous. I fed off the support of those in this forum a great deal and I thank everyone. One year after the fact I feel I did not support those who came after me like those who went before me. At the one year mark however, I would like all of those who are imminent and uncertain about the future to realize the anxiety and waiting and "butterflies" are the worst time of the journey. Have it done. Be brave. Life is beautiful. Recovery is rapid. And if anyone cares.... I feel wonderful now.

Anne ,a very recognized post and we appreciate all you are doing.
Well said and (heartfelt) and great to read how wonderful you feel now.:)
You bet we care about you and everyone here.;)
what will bother one person willnot bother another,what is acceptable to
one person,maynot be to another.but vr will draw enormous strenght and
support from experiences such as you and your recognition of what you
recieved from all you witnessed of your unknown wait and fear here
and may you continue well in your recovery and God Bless cus you even
uplifted me in your thread now ....:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Thank you Anne, your wonderfull sentiments are just what I needed now 10 days before surgery. I am so blessed to have found this site about a month ago, and in this short while came to understand that I am not alone in this thing. Thank you everybody!! Johan
Anne, I too feel that I have taken so much more than I have given on this site. I was able to find the site when first dx'd and received support (and still am) right up to my surgery nearly one year later. Thanks to all!!
Well said. I found this site after AVR. I did not know I was having AVR. Went through ER. I have learned so much here. Still learning. Glad to hear you are feeling much better.
Thank you Anne. I truely agree with you. I am only 8 weeks post op and I don't think I could have went through with it without the support of everyone here. They really held me together at times. Especially those days leading up to the surgery. So with Anne, I thank all of you. Thank you for supporting me through what is a not so great recovery also. There were days that i really just wanted to give up but there everyone was, giving me hope with your stories of recovery, giving me suggestions and most of courage.