Take Note: re: OnLine Dosgae/Calculator

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Alternative to Calculator

Alternative to Calculator

I also noted with sadness the disappearance of the coumadin calculator at the pace-med-apps.com site. In fact, the whole site appears to be gone, not just the calculator.

The calculator at soapnote.org doesn't work for me because my weekly dose is higher than the 70mg max of that particular calculator(12.5/day = 87.5/week). However, I have previously done a lot of online searching for coumadin/warfarin dosing algorithms, protocols and guidelines, and I particularly like the one presented in the 2009 paper by Kim, Kaatz, et al. in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Currently, that paper is available for download at:


I can't see any way to add it as an attachment to this post. Perhaps one of the "higher-level" members will have this ability.

I would highly recommend that this paper, and other similar papers with dosing algorithms from respected sources, be incorporated directly into the forums here as a sticky, so that if the calculators or research papers available on other sites become restricted or disappear, at least the information will remain available here. I do note that there might be copyright issues, and perhaps permission might be needed from the publications if the entire article is to be posted. If that is a problem, then at least the table with the recommended dosing adjustment algorithm might be extracted and posted.
If someone has a formula for these calculators or some page with Javascript, I would be happy to eventually permanently host this along with some other resources.
Maybe we could even do an Excel spreadsheet formula for this one and share it?
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Feel No shame gymguy!

We have to take care of ourselves #1. I believe you are going to join your MHV brothers and sisters. After hanging out with us, I suspect you also will be a home tester geek. LOL! My Fam Doc thought I was brilliant when I showed him the program. Little does he know how simple it is to use. I found the calculations to mirror my towns anti-coug clinic to a "t". It will be a joy to have you host your prospective web site. Good to have U on board.

As for me, I just finished a fantastic day of skiing in Banff and a brewski is calling. Think I'll have a side order of, "8 mg warfarin". Yummy!

By the by, Skiing in Banff/Kaninaskis gets better and better as Mar / Apr progresses. I'm at it again tomorrow.
On the East Coast in the US we had no winter this year. None!!! I am a snowboarder, a recreational one, and I am sooooo very jealous of you right now.
Having a dosage calculator is nice, but remembering to base minor adjustments (usually no more than 10% of weekly doses either way) can be done with just a bit of calculating on paper or in your head. Sure, a program is easier.

One thing to consider when dosing is to try to do the same dose every day, if possible. Otherwise, if you take a different dose on some days than you do on others, your INR may fluctuate based on the day of the week that you test. This isn't a big deal, but it may be hard to adjust if your INR fluctuates day to day as a result of your dosage fluctuating. (In other words, because of dosage fluctuations, a 2.5 one day may be a 2.0 the next -- overreacting to the 2.5 could result in other issues).