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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
I just have a quick question about symptoms. I sometimes experience a very painful sensation in my back (usually under my right shoulderblade), that usually lasts no more than a minute or so, but is very uncomfortable (to the point where it causes me to sweat). It doesn't seem like a muscle related pain, but more like a nerve or something else. It is an unusual type of pain, very hard to explain. It kind of comes through my chest as well. It's hard to explain pain. It usually happens about twice a month or so, and has never happened during exertion, but rather usually while I am sitting or lying down (like at my desk, or in the car, or at night).
Has anyone else experienced this type of sensation? Do you think it is heart-related (I have a bicuspid valve with severe stenosis).
This is a question only your doctor can answer. I would say yes to symptom, but there are so many other causes that it would take a pro to figure it out.
Speak with your doctor and while you're seeing him, also discuss gallbladder with him. I had right side pain that radiated around to my back and felt weird and when it got very painful it was a stabbing pain in the right side that went through my chest to the back around low-middle area, sort of below the shoulder blade. I actually was admitted to the hospital in the heart unit because they thought I had or was having a heart attack. A couple of weeks later, there they were gallstones and out it came.

Mine came on after eating, and especially if anything had the slightest amount of fat in it, but it also came on when nothing like that was happening.
I every-so-often get something that sounds pretty much like what you're describing, neither as frequently nor as regularly as you get it. Don't know what it is, I don't worry about it.
Thanks everyone - I'll definitely bring it up with my Dr. next time I am there. I'll let you know what I find out. I tend not to worry about it too much, as it has been happening probably since I was about 15 or so (I am 24 now). I think if it were something major, it would have probably revealed itself by now. I have had several echoes and an angiogram since then, so I feel fairly secure that it isn't anything. Best to double check with the Doc. though, I agree. be on the safe side...check with the doc. but i think it may be in your head now i know i was having no problems what so ever before i saw my cardio....then once he said the word surgery....every little ache, pain, and discomfort scared the crap out me thinking it was heart before i thought most of my pains were related to being active and working out a lot...which they probably were....but i'm sure some of them were the tingle feeling i had every now and then in my left hand....i have not felt that at all since surgery...sure that has to do with the 20% ejection blood flow.
mmarshall said: be on the safe side...check with the doc. but i think it may be in your head now i know i was having no problems what so ever before i saw my cardio....then once he said the word surgery....every little ache, pain, and discomfort scared the crap out me thinking it was heart before i thought most of my pains were related to being active and working out a lot...which they probably were....but i'm sure some of them were the tingle feeling i had every now and then in my left hand....i have not felt that at all since surgery...sure that has to do with the 20% ejection blood flow.

funny how that works, isn't it?? i am sure a lot of it is in my head now - i wonder how the stress of this takes its toll! i too have a tingle feeling every now and then in my hand - which may be something, or nothing. it is very hard to decipher what is real, what is unrelated and what is just plain in your head! i know in the past i have also neglected to always reveal these symptoms to my doc., in the fear that i will trigger them to move forward with me when really i was just imagining the problem! the other thing i intend to do is ask for all my numbers and test results - so i can research my own case more carefully. although i'll probably just end up scaring myself even more! :eek:
Even tho, I have always posted that I had no symptoms before my valve surgery (aneurysm)3 years ago.............. I do recall 3 different times the same pain you are talking about..before my surgery..Twice, when I reached far out to wipe glass windows and once at Xmas when I was driving to meet for xmas a hurry. :eek: The sharp pain that went from my back shoulder to front...but..left in a matter of minutes..Thank goodness. :) It has not happened since.. :) Was it from my aneurysm??? I think this pain was maybe a year before they found my aneurysm... :confused: Bonnie
Ashley said:
Thanks everyone - I'll definitely bring it up with my Dr. next time I am there. I'll let you know what I find out. ...

Well, since I get the same thing once in a while, don't you dare come back with word that it's a major problem. Myself, I think it's most likely indicative of intelligence and intense personal charm.


About a 1 1/2 years ago, I went to the emergency room with mild chest pains. They were persistant but not severe thinking I may be having a heart attack?

They tested stuff (Blood tests, ekg, etc.) found nothing and sent me home. The pains persisted off and on but never got severe. Because of that event, I made it a point to get a check up, I told my primary I had Aortic Stenosis, and he scheduled a echocardriogram. It showed an aortic aneurysm, which is what brings me here today with surgery scheduled in 3 weeks.

No one ever indicated the pain was related to the aneuryism, but since the echo, I noticed the pain more often. Part of it may be in my head, but if the aneuryism is causing chest pain, that could certainly explain what I've been feeling for the last year. The pain is minor, but sharp and sometimes it "Radiates" to my left arm or neck.

I get a little nervous when I feel the pain fearing a dissection, but since surgery is in three weeks, I'm holding on.

This thread started by tobagotwo has some really interesting links.
