I just have a quick question about symptoms. I sometimes experience a very painful sensation in my back (usually under my right shoulderblade), that usually lasts no more than a minute or so, but is very uncomfortable (to the point where it causes me to sweat). It doesn't seem like a muscle related pain, but more like a nerve or something else. It is an unusual type of pain, very hard to explain. It kind of comes through my chest as well. It's hard to explain pain. It usually happens about twice a month or so, and has never happened during exertion, but rather usually while I am sitting or lying down (like at my desk, or in the car, or at night).
Has anyone else experienced this type of sensation? Do you think it is heart-related (I have a bicuspid valve with severe stenosis).
Has anyone else experienced this type of sensation? Do you think it is heart-related (I have a bicuspid valve with severe stenosis).