symptoms beginning???

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My son is beginning to feel he is having symptoms (mitral valve prolapse with severe regurgitation (bileaflet involvment) He is coughing and anxious holding his hand over his heart area as he talks. please tell us whether this is urgent. He will have another echo next week but we need to know whether this is an emergency. he will be scheduled for surgery in April at Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Cosgrove. Susan (innercalm)
Coughing and chest pain were not pre-surgery symptoms for me. However, perhaps someone who experienced more severe symptoms (mine were pretty mild compared to some of the other regurgitation sufferers) will come around and tell you differently.
Innercalm said:
My son is beginning to feel he is having symptoms (mitral valve prolapse with severe regurgitation (bileaflet involvment) He is coughing and anxious holding his hand over his heart area as he talks. please tell us whether this is urgent. He will have another echo next week but we need to know whether this is an emergency. he will be scheduled for surgery in April at Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Cosgrove. Susan (innercalm)

Is he having pain, or is he holding his chest because he feels he is having trouble breathing?
The cough sounds like it could be caused by fluid retention; has he gained any unexplained weight?
Coughing, shortness of breath, not being able to sleep flat (need to raise his head up when sleeping) and edema in the legs and feet and sometimes the stomach area are signs of congestive heart failure that can happen when the heart has compromised function. Does he also have any of these other things?

If it were Joe, I would call the cardiologist and get directions.

I had a mitral valve repair by Dr. Cosgrove for severe regurgitation in February. My symptoms were fatigue and shortness of breath. I didn't have any coughing, but did have occasional mild pain.

If this is something new for your son, I'd suggest calling your cardiologist and tell them about the new symptoms.

Hopefully someone with a lot more helpful information will come along soon.

Will certainly add you and your son to my prayer list.

The big issue is whether he's able to sleep through the night without getting short of breath; or if he's added pillows to prop himself up. That would be an indicator of congestive heart failure (chf). Shortness of breath should be reported. Even if it's not heart related (asthma?), it's very hard on your heart and needs to be treated.

MVP can cause chest pain even when it's benign. I didn't have any pain even tho I had chf and was in bad shape. I don't think pain is a very good indicator.

A cough could be indicative of some chf; but due to the time of year I wonder if he might have allergies; or if he's on an ACE inhibitor that can also cause coughing.

It's always worthwhile to contact your doctor when something new crops up. You really don't want to be surprised if you don't have to be. If he's very anxious he might be aided with a bit of chemical help - the anxiety itself will exacerbate symptoms from cardiac problems.

Good luck.

I don't remember any coughing, but I did have constant yawning, severe SOB, fatigue, cyanosis. I could fall sleep while waiting for food at a restaurant. I was in CHF the day before my surgery and had to have lasix that day.

I suggest your son see a doctor ASAP. My motto is: When in doubt, check it out. I'd rather "waste" $100 on an ER co-pay or $20 on a PCP visit charge than wish I had checked out a symptom.
Coughing and holding the chest area were not symptoms for my severe regurg and prolapse. Weakness/lack of strength (couldn't go up a flight of stairs without resting more than once), lack of energy, no stamina, rapid pulse and heart pounding through my chest were symptoms along with swollen heart. I'd encourage you to call the Cardio with his symptoms. I'm pleased to learn the difficult decision's been made and that your son will be having his surgery in April.
I have no experience with mitral, only aortic. But the thing is my daughter never had any symptoms whatsoever, except for a couple of years of passing out a long time ago.

The thing is, two weeks ago she had another valvioplasty. Last week, she complained of lessened lung capacity and fatigue, for the first time ever. I, of course being me, freaked out and immediately contacted the cardiologist to ask what to do. I was told to take her to the local PCP for a check. We did, and it is all good.

The point being, better safe than sorry! I would rather freak out and get her checked, than blow it off and find out I was so wrong. I don't mind looking silly, as long as my daughter is ok.