I am ready for aortic valve replacement. But have been experiencing some unusual symptoms for 10 years now, that no 'ologist' has been able to diagnose. After dozens of tests over the years, the only health problem we know for sure about is an inefficient bicuspid valve. We hope my odd symptoms are caused by the valve and will go away after replacement. But am wondering what kind of symptoms that others have experienced, and did they go away after surgery. For 10 years I have had the same constant tension headache, constant lightheadedness that blooms into dizzines that can go on for days, constant fatigue, frequent insomnia, ringing in the ears, occasional double-vision and 'grey curtains' in the left eye. Have been told repeatedly by several cardio docs that they do not believe these symptoms are related to my heart since none of them worsen with exertion, and they have existed for many years even when my valve inefficiency was very minimal. Has anyone else experienced these specific symptoms and did they abate after surgery?