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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2005
I have a couple of internal sutures poking out about 1-2mm in the middle of my incision. The cardiologist was not worried about it. Has anyone else had any problem with there internal sutures and what happened?

I didn't realize one was sticking out until I pulled it and blue strings fell apart. I've left it alone for now, but I will have the surgeon check during my follow-up on Tuesday.
It's safe to pull them out. I am having the same thing, but can't get mine to pop thru the skin quite yet (although they're getting close). I've tried the last couple days (in fact, just tried again a little while ago and gave up). They told me to put a warm wash cloth on it to help draw them out, then when you can get ahold of them, go ahead and pull them out with a tweezers or something like that. My surgeon's assistant tried to "pop" the skin open the other day with her fingernails but gave up before she hacked me up too bad, lol. Oh, and she put me on an antibotic just as a precaution because they can get infected. So if yours are red/swollen - go in and have them looked at.

Good luck and let me know how it goes if you can get yours out, and if you have any advice afterwards. I'm really looking forward to getting mine out, cause they hurt a little. Here, I'll post a closeup pic so you can see how similar/different mine looks to yours. It's kinda red/swollen, so don't look if you have a weak stomach lol. It's at the very bottom of my incision (is that where yours is?).

hummm, when you say internal, do mean the stitches that are on your incision?

The reason I ask is because I had one stitch that wouldn't dissolve and it the finishing knot the surgeon used and it too was poking out. My PG pulled it out, put some ointment and a band-aid on it.

You don't want that area to get infected, a little dab of Polysporin and a band-aid might be in order until next Tuesday.
Hey Andy, you think maybe the reason why yours is red and swollen is because you've been picking at it?
Silly man, give it a few days and when you can see it poking out again try again.
I tried to pull the suture out, but it would not come out. I guess it is still connected internally. I will just have to be patient. I just hope that it does not get infected.

When I could pull mine I would pull them, if not I would trim them back. They caused me a lot of irritation if they pulled on my clothes. I just made sure to clean the area well and clean my cuticle trimmers well with alcohol, I then put antibiotic ointment on the area. I never had any problems with infection. I had sutures presenting for 4 months after my heart surgery, and 2 months after my sternal wire removal.
Lol, Freddie, Phhhhhh, is just like it sounds. Make that sound with your lips. It means something along the lines of duh, you're right, why didn't I think of that, lol... But actually, the irritation was there before me & the docs started playing with it. A diff. doc put some novacaine in it this afternoon, poked a hole in the area, and tried to get something out (either pus or stitches) but no luck with either. So it must not be infected (yet). He said just to wait it out and see what happens the next few days. Oh, crap, that reminds me, I was supposed to go pick up a prescription for an ointment to put on it today, and I forgot ;) I'll write myself a note so I don't forget tomorrow ;)