Surprising Request (For your enjoyment)

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Gah. I'm not even sure I believe what happened.

About mid-morning today, some guy pulled into my driveway, got out of his brand new Chevrolet Avalanche (it had the dealer plate in front & a temporary plate on the back) & rang the doorbell. I answered the door, not knowing who the guy was, & was stunned by his opening line:

"How much will buy your car?"

The medication from being sick this whole week (yes, at home sick again today) or a genuine look of dumbfoundedness...or both...must have affected my facial expression because he continued:
"That blue Monte Carlo ... will you sell it to me?"

I stumbled a bit & fumbled for the appropriate 1-worded response:

His turn to be a bit shocked.
"But...whatever your price is, I'll pay. That's an '87 or '88 right?"

Me [all the while thinking, 'You can't afford my price, sir.']: "Yes, it is an '87, but I'm sorry, it's not for sale."

Him: "Oh, c'mon, please. I've been driving around & looking at your car this morning. I really want that car."

Me [wondering just how long he had been circling the neighborhood]: "I'm sorry, but it's never going to be for sale."

Him: "Can I at least give you my number in case you do decide to sell...?"

I shook my head. "No."

He shook his head, turned around & left, eyeing my '87 Chevrolet Monte Carlo LS which was dutifully parked in the driveway, next to the house. As he drove off, he kind of smiled at me & shook his head.

Now, a number of things went through my mind almost immediately & almost at the same time.

First: Damn, I should've told him why it wasn't for daily driver, & of course, more importantly, that it is part of a collection -- a Monte Carlo family of sorts. But, nope. I didn't.

Second: car is, at least to someone else other than me, in demand.

Third: This is the kicker...& why I am still a bit nervous.... Was that smile more of a sneer...indicating the attitude/sentiment of something like: 'Fine, you don't want to sell her to just won't see her for very much longer cuz my buddies & I are going to come steal it.' ...? Or, am I just a wee bit paranoid...? He seemed like a considerate guy. He was persistant in wanting to buy it, but he accepted (or seemed to accept) that it was not for sale. He was about my age...perhaps a year or 2 younger.


Now, I admit, I can be paranoid at times...especially when it comes to my "baby girls". I don't like the idea that they would be stolen...let alone driven by someone other than myself.

And, yes, this is not the first time I've been asked if one of my "baby girls" was for sale. But, this was the first time that the person asking the question was asking that question at my home. In other words, this time...he knows where I live...& where the car is parked....


Dangumit. This made me feel good...& turned me a bit more paranoid...all in the matter of a few seconds.

Ah, well...the car is still here...for now.... It just better stay that way.... Probably should've taken his name & phone #....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB =
MC Guide =
"Most Complete Lineup," Chevy claims in ad ... but how?
What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new? Wish I knew...
Dude I can relate and yes, I think you should have gotten some personal info from this guy and then checked him out. It's too bad you can't trust anyone at face value anymore, but others have made it so.
Too bad it wasn't a petite 25 year old blonde woman, with big blue eyes and a drop dead figure. You could have at least led her on, gotten her number, wrangled a few lunches to discuss the car, before saying "No"....but then would you have said "no"? :D
Might be a good time to invest in Lo Jack :D.

You are probably just being paranoid but I would be doing the same worrying. There are just enough crazies out there to think they should get whatever they want and will take it if necessary.

Maybe he figured you just need time to change you mind about selling it and the "sneer" was more of a "I'll come back and you'll sell the next time" than "you had your chance".

However, if he comes back - get all the info you can (including) car info) before you say no again.

Take care.
geebee said:
Maybe he figured you just need time to change you mind about selling it and the "sneer" was more of a "I'll come back and you'll sell the next time" than "you had your chance".

*raises eyebrow*

Hmmm...hadn't thought of it this way before...perhaps.

Bah....beginning to think I'm just too was just a weird situation ;).

And, Ross...amen...wish we could trust more people with stuff these days, but not the reality anymore. I remember both my parents telling me how they use to leave their homes...with the doors unlocked. Certainly not a good idea in this day'n'age :(.

Gotta love 20/20

And, Karlynn....that sounds like a great way to meet someone ;). LOL! As for saying "no", depends on what I'd be saying "no" to with her....

*grins devilishly*
Karlynn said:
Too bad it wasn't a petite 25 year old blonde woman, with big blue eyes and a drop dead figure. You could have at least led her on, gotten her number, wrangled a few lunches to discuss the car, before saying "No"....but then would you have said "no"? :D

Could have at LEAST offered to take her for a ride in it, or let her drive it for a bit, road testing, just 'cause...

And of course you have an EASY in for a name and number to put with the pretty face, "she" was begging to give it to you, how often does THAT happen? =)

On the serious side, a name and nubmer would have been useful. Even if you feel like you'd never give something like that up for ANY price, saying, "Give me your name and numbmer and I'll think about it and get back to you." would have been an easy way to let everyone save face.

You could sleep on it, maybe even call him back for a chat, find out why he was so desperate to buy the car, at any price, and let him know it's not just one car that you have, but a collection....

In my experience (as a photographer who's shot a number of car shows and the like for a newspaper) networking is almost always a positive endeavour... Knowing who the other car enthusiasts are in your area, knowing what they're after, what they like, what they might be able to do for you, can't hurt at all.

I'm sure you know a lot of this, but maybe there are a few (like this guy) that you don't know about. Why's he so interested in the car? Is he just a desperate collector or is there some other need behind his offer?

A curious experience I'm sure....
dumb me!!

dumb me!!

we havea '55 chevy...nice and a lady from tennessee offered us $20,000 and me and my dad both turned her down hehe
Harpoon said:
I'm sure you know a lot of this, but maybe there are a few (like this guy) that you don't know about.
A curious experience I'm sure....

For sure!

And, yes, much of what you mentioned, I know already. I think that part of my "non-talkativeness" was that, even at that point on Thursday, I still wasn't feeling all that well (actually, still not feeling well today). Had I not had had a fever for 4 days...and actually felt better, I have a feeling I might've talked with him a bit more and asked him more of the type of questions/curiosities you mentioned in your post. I still wouldn't have sold the car to him, but I have a feeling I might've been a bit more helpful to him than I was. In retrospect, I feel a bit bad that I wasn't more talkative with him....but, well...what's done is done. Perhaps, subconsciously, I was put off by the brand new truck he was


Who knows....

And, Justin...ya'll have a '55 Chevy? Sweet! Have any pictures on a website somewhere? I'd love to see it!

And, no, $20K is not enough for that car, I'm sure ;).
DaveCv67 said:
If he said "name the price" what about $50,000?...would you sell it for that much? Could probally find another for 30,000 then your up 20!

Hmmm....not sure I could find another as good as the '87 MC LS....


Not sure I would want to....

But, $50K would be a nice chunk of change.....

*rolls eyes*

It's been said that everything has a price, but sometimes, well, I don't know....ya know? ;)
Yeah, Cort, I'm with you on keeping her. I finally got to a point where I could no longer keep my little guys, and it was a tough one finding a new home for the last of the pups (a near-mint 1965 Corvair Monza, had been a show car).

One comforting thought -- if the guy had larceny on his mind, he would not be able to re-sell your baby within the MC community. You would hear about it, I'm sure.

Next time, play semi-interested and collect the info -- just to be safe.
epstns said:
I finally got to a point where I could no longer keep my little guys, and it was a tough one finding a new home for the last of the pups (a near-mint 1965 Corvair Monza, had been a show car).

I'm always concerned about this "in the back of my mind" ... what will force me to get rid of the family? I hope nothing, but ya never know....

epstns said:
One comforting thought -- if the guy had larceny on his mind, he would not be able to re-sell your baby within the MC community. You would hear about it, I'm sure.

He he very true ;).

epstns said:
Next time, play semi-interested and collect the info -- just to be safe.


Yep...and hopefully, next time, I won't feel so I actually feel like talking to the guy :).