Surgical report????????????

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Here's a copy of my surgical report from nearly ten years ago, and I was wondering if any of you could translate it into English for me!??? And then explain to me what it all means because I don't fully understand all the details involved. That's all the information I have about the valve, but what's the equivalent to this one in America?I know there are a few experts on the site and I hope you can do me this favour.?? Thanks in advance!

Descrição: Toracotomia mediana transesternal com exposição do coração após liberação de aderências causadas pelas duas cirurgias anteriores.
Coração mostrava ventrículo esquerdo com tamanho e contratilidade preservada. Ventrículo direito com moderado aumento de volume e discreta hipocontratilidade. Átrio esquerdo moderadamente aumentado.
Iniciada a circulação extracorpórea através da canulação da aorta ascendente e de ambas as cavas. Com temperatura de 32o C, a aorta foi totalmente (I think they forgot to type something here ??) e realizada a injeção de solução cardioplégica sanguínea normotérmica na raiz aórtica.
Em seguida foi aberto o átrio direito e iniciada a perfusão de cardioplegia de forma contínua pelo seio coronário.
Foi então aberto o átrio esquerdo e inspecionada a prótese mitral a qual era de Duramater com ruptura de um dos seus folhetos. Esta prótese foi amplamente ressecada e implantada em seu local uma bioprótese de pericárdio bovino tipo Cardioprótese Número 29 através de pontos separados de ethiobond 00.
Em seguida foi fechado o átrio esquerdo com chuleio contínuo de prolene 3.0 e após manobras de retiradas de ar das cavidades esquerdas foi desclampeada a aorta ascendente.
Reaquecimento pleno do paciente obtenção de boa estabilidade hemodinâmica e descontinuação da circulação extracorpórea.
Revisão da hemostasia e fechamento anatômico do tórax.
Debra, this is what I got when I pasted it into the online translator I used ( I use it a lot for my latino customers since my Spanish is passable but not great. I translated it from Portuguese. Of course some of the words do not translate, being technical (see line 6, "diggings" (ouch): :cool:

Description: Transesternal medium Toracotomia with exposition of the heart after release of tacks caused for the two surgeries anteriores.Coração showed to left ventricle with size and preserved contractility. Right ventricle with moderate increase of volume and discrete hipocontratilidade. Left forecourt moderately aumentado.Iniciada the extracorporal circulation through the canulação of aorta ascending and both the diggings. With temperature of 32o C, aorta it was total (I think they forgot you type something here) carried through e the injection of cardioplégica solution sanguineous normotérmica in the root aórtica.Em followed was opened the right forecourt and initiate the perfusão of cardioplegia of continuous form for the seio coronário.Foi then opened the forecourt left and inspected prótese mitral which age of Duramater with rupture of one of its brochures. This prótese widely was dried up and implanted in its place one bioprótese of bovine pericárdio Cardioprótese type Number 29 through separate points of ethiobond the left forecourt with continuous chuleio of prolene 3,0 00.Em followed was closed and after maneuvers of air withdrawals of the left sockets full ascendente.Reaquecimento of the patient attainment of good hemodinâmica stability and discontinuance of the circulation was desclampeada aorta extracorpórea.Revisão of the hemostasia and anatomical closing of the thorax.
Thank you for taking your time, Strawberry! I also noticed that some of the words don't really fit into the context, but being an American, are you able to understand the gist? What I'm aiming at here, is for someone to come forward and tell me me what was actually done to me and what all that meant in tems of quality of the job the doctors did.?? looking forward to hearing your comments.
To me, it looks like a very routine surgical report without any real problems. The beginning just describes that they went in through the sternum, something about the left ventrical, then that the right ventrical was slightly hyperdynamic. The aorta was visualized and with your temp at 32 degrees C, you were injected with a solution in the aortic root, the put on bypass. It looks like one if your mitral valve chords had ruptured, they took it out (I think that's where it says "dried up", and put in a pig valve. Does that sound right? Then it just describes the closures and that you were stable. I hope that's close!!
Type of valve

Type of valve

Thanks once more, it was very kind of you to answer again. As for the surgical report, that was what I thought too, but I just wanted to be sure. The valve I've got is actually a pericardium bovine bioprosthetic cardioprothesis valve No.29. For porcine you would say PERICÁRDIO SUÍNO. By the way, I took Spanish classes while I was living in Scotland and of course, was the best student in the class. I no longer know how to speak or write since it was nearly twenty years ago, but I can understand a lot when I read or hear Spanish. As you could see, Portuguese is quite similar in many ways. Take care,

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