Surgery set for april 20th

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earl thrasher

My 1st time posting but I have been reading alot on here, 1st off I'd like to thank everyone for all the great info I have received on here. I am having my aortic valve replaced with a St Judes mechanical valve with a possible partial Aortic root replacement. My surgeon is going to try to do a mini stemotomy if all goes well once she is inside. Any support or additional info you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Ooops surgery is actually the 21st.

Hello and welcome to the funny farm.

I'm sure you still have questions, so I'll let you ask away until it's time for surgery. :)


I have read alot about the on-x valve and looked at their site myself but my surgeon says she likes the proven tride and true St Judes, stating that there are plenty of good studies out there on the valve and that the On-X just doesnt have enough results out there. She is with University of Texas San Antonio teaching Hospital and I showed her that they are actually doing a trial study in UT in Dallas but she seemed like she was really sold on the St Jude but she said she would order an On-X for me but she wasnt sure how my insurance would cover it. It seems to me as if they are telling me in a round about way that the figures could be inflated by the website of On-X any info on that?

Hey there Tommy and WELCOME.
I'm sorry I can't help you with your question, but others will be around in time.
The weekend can be a little slow, but I'm positive you'll get some answer's that you are looking for.

I just wanted to say "hi" and don't be shy.
Howdy Tommy, and welcome to the group.
My 2 cents: I chose my surgeon, he preferred the St.Jude, and I agreed.
If he would've had tons of experience implanting the OnX, I would have considered that valve also.
They are both excellent valves.:)
Good luck on the 20th.
I had a mini sternotomy and only have a 3" scar that starts 2" below the top of my sternum. It work out well for me and the scar is hardly visible; but that is probably due to the way I healed. Each person will be different.
Both valves are great; either one will fix you right up :) .
Welcome to the community Tommy & I pray that everything goes well with your surgery which I have no doubts that it will! :)

I'm sure you've read a lot of previous posts & there are many of us here with St Jude's & On-X valves; both valves are good & if your surgeon & you are comfortable with the St. Jude, then that's the one to go with!

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to ask away. We're here to make your waiting a little less anxious! Take care! :)
Welcome Tommy...

I had my Aortic valve replaced with an On-X valve. My surgery took place at the Cleveland Clinic and its my understanding that C.C. does more heart procedures than another other hospital in the U.S. My surgeon recommended the On-X valve to me and said that if he were having a valve replacement, he would want the On-X. This recommendation was due to the flow dynamics of the valve, he wasn't a supporter of the clinical trials where Coumadin is potentially replaced soley with baby aspirin. He told me that this valve is technically more difficult to install due to the high profile of the valve but he had done over 50 of them and was very confident. Its my understanding that there have been about 60,000 of these installed thus far. I think the St Jude is in the 500,000+ range.

If your happy with your surgeon and your surgeon thinks the St Jude is the best thing for you then run with it and don't look back. Confidence in the surgeon I think is key.

Im just over 5 weeks post-op and so far so good ! (knock knock) Honestly I think you will be happy with either valve type once its in and your recovered. Both seem to have great track records, seems to me the real test comes after your back to your normal life. Do you eat right, exercise, do the things necessary to help your body and not introduce risk factors you can control.

Best of luck, keep posting as we will all want to hear how you do through the process.
Welcome and just wanted to wish you best of luck with surgery and hope you have a speedy recovery.
Welcome Tommy.

I had my last OHS on April 20th (was my mom's birthday) - great and lucky day.

I have a St. Jude and have never had a problem with it. The On-X also seems to be a great valve and I do not think you could go wrong with either one.

Ultimately, I agree with the others - if you have a surgeon you trust - trust his/her suggestion. My last surgeon told me he would put in any valve I wanted but was very happy with the track record of the St. Jude and he feels that way today which is 14 years later. He and I both tend to be conservative so that might give some more insight into where I stand.

I do not know what choice I would make today if I had to have another surgery.

Best of luck to you and just make the decision that will keep you from second guessing for the rest of your life.
Welcome to VR!
I was going to add you to the surgery calendar, but the 20th falls on Sunday so thought I'd better check before I put it on.
As Ross said, ask questions to your heart's content! Someone will be around to try and give you an answer!;)
all the best to you

all the best to you

I too have a St.Jude avr 23mm, it is the best thing since chocolate. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. The worst part is the wait! Take care.
I also want to say Welcome to you ....happy you found us.

I agree with all who said it is so important to trust your surgeon. I definitely would go with what he and you are most comfortable with. There really is not a bad choice between the two.
Hi Tommy and welcome....

It will be 2 years on April 20th since I had my surgery....I will be thinking of you on our lucky day.
Wrong date

Wrong date

Surgery is actually on april 21st. I must be going a little nutty here !!!!

Sorry all.
Ok, I give up....who's Earl Thrasher?!?!

Ok, I give up....who's Earl Thrasher?!?!

Hi there Tommy and welcome to the website.

You're in my ever get to Gruene?!?!:D

I didn't realize there was a female cardiothorasic surgeon in San Antonio... Dr. Larry Hamner did mine at the Metropolitan Methodist in the fall of 1999 and I got the St. Jude valve. Course, if druthers be known -- these days I would probably go for the On-X or a bioprosthetic valve.

Best of everything to you...Godspeed..!
I can not offer any opinions on mechanical as I have tissue however I want to welcome you to Know that this is a great place to get support and to have lots of laughs.
Good luck

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