Surgery Scheduled...

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Scheduled for Mitral Valve Repair surgery on February 28 with Dr. Bolling at the University of Michigan...and the anxiety begins...
I was scheduled five months ahead of my AVR and it was tough sledding early on, then, after the first month or so, time just seemed to speed by and it was surgery time. I remember saying 'if time goes as fast after the surgery as it has before, I'll be saying wow, it's two months since I had the surgery'. Well, it's been six weeks since and time has flown. The wait is the worst, but, if you just focus on what neesds to getsdone and live your life as it goes, it will be here and you'll be on the recovery side feeling better.

Best wishes,

Everyone told me the wait was the worst and it was. I had to wait four weeks. It's been over a year now and where has the time gone. Stay busy and talk to people on this site. Great support group here.

Blessings to you.
Happy Holidays!

I found out i needed surgery on Sept 3 & it was sheduled for Oct 25th. The time flew by. I am now 5 weeks into recovery.
Try not to think/dwell on it.

Best wishes