Surgery Scheduled!

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My OHS has been scheduled for the 18th May at Kaiser Hospital San francisco.
I have made my decision regarding 'type of Valve', I am going with 'Tissue Valve' choice, though I don't know which one of 'Tissue Valve' I'll be getting.

A little on my history :
I am 31, female, One kid.
I got rheumatic heart fever when I was 7 years of age. Got operated (OHS) at the age of 9 years. In that first surgery Doctors were able to save the valve ( Mitral Valve ) by putting a metal ring around it to stop back flow and all.

This(the ring) has worked well for me, 21 years now :) , and I belive I can go on for another year or two.

I have been having moderate-severe leakage since year 2001, even with that leakage I successful went through a pregnancy in Oct 2002 ( She is 3 1/2 years now, and very cute )

I had a minor heart attach post delievery and that might have damaged my heart a bit more :confused:

Last 6 months have not been as good for me, I started having symptoms related to 'Valve Leakage', a couple of heart racing episode, few emergency dept visit, Shortness of breath, tiredness etc. So even though there is not much change in the leakage since 'After Delievery' (it has remained about the same on echo/ekg ), based on symptoms doctor's have suggested going for 'Valve replacement'.

What are rheumatic heart disease and rheumatic fever?
Rheumatic (roo-MAT'ik) heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.

Rheumatic fever begins with a strep throat from streptococcal (STREP'to-KOK'al) infection.

Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease. It can affect many of the body's connective tissues ? especially those of the heart, joints, brain or skin. Anyone can get acute rheumatic fever, but it usually occurs in children five to 15 years old. The rheumatic heart disease that results can last for life.

Rheumatic heart disease
Mitral Valve leakage
First OHS 1983, impanted Metal ring around Mitral Valve.
Second OHS scheduled(18th May 2006) to replave Mitral Valve with Tissue valve



Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on getting your surgery date. Making your decision on type of valve is another biggie. If you have questions, I know you will get a lot of good answers from the good folks -- the "family" really -- at

Best wishes,

Welcome to the forum, Sona. I put you on the calendar for May 18th so we can watch out for you and cheer you on to a successful surgery. Please feel free to ask any questions between now and then. In the reference section there are two good threads on preparing the house for after surgery and what you will need in the hospital. Sending you our best wishes.


Welcome to our forum...Marge, a member is from the San Fran area. I clicked on her profile and she had her surgery at Kaiser-Summit Hospital in Oakland. you may want to PM her....You look under members at top of forum..go to the M's and find Marge.There you will find her PM..address..I'm sure she will help with any questions. Bonnie
I am 31 year old mother of three and had surgery to replace my leaky mitral valve about 4 weeks ago. I also have a tissue valve. Please personal message me if I can be of any help to you!
Thanks for well-wishes

Thanks for well-wishes

Thank you all for well-wishes and good words. And thanks for tips on other sections of

I am more confident of my this journey after finding this web site than I was before. The wealth of information is invaluable, I have been reading posts for a week now, and surely have learned a quite a lot about 'heart talk'.


I had my valve replaced when my children were young. It's a successful surgery that improves life.

Make sure you have sufficient help when you get home from the hospital. Figure that you won't be doing anything but walking, eating, sleeping and breathing for the first few weeks at home. This is not a recovery that should be pushed, or you'll wind up back in the hospital.