Surgery postponed

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Thaks everyone for your good wishes, but of all the strange things, the surgeon came in a while ago and said that he couldn't do the surgery right now due to too many emergencies etc. (so apparently I am not one of them) and we should make an appointment in 2 weeks or so!

This is after two cardiologists and another surgeon saying that it needed to be done now.

I give up! I don't know wether to be relieved or worried.

And I am now not sure that I want to come back to this surgeon.

When my husband went in for his surgery another older gentleman was going in at the same time and they also postponed his because of an emergency. When we were wheeling my husband out to the car for his trip home 8 days later we ran into this gentlemans family and he was just having his surgery. I felt so bad for him and his family and so glad that at least my husbands surgery was behind us. I am so sorry yours was cancelled. I will be thinking of you.
Surgery postponed

I'm sorry to hear that your first surgery was postponed. You could use this time to look for another opinion from another surgeon. Listen to your inner voice and if you're uncomfortable with the surgeon, by all means find another.

That is too bad...

That is too bad...

I can't work up enough nerve to say go ahead ,do this surgery and then they postpone.:eek:
Let us know what happens from here.
Good luck.
did it to me too!

did it to me too!

I was going in for my surgery on June 20. I got a call saying they needed to change the date to June 28th. I was saddened by the news, but then figured there is a reason for everything! Take care.

Lisa, snoopy, and riley
Thanks everyone for your support. It is greatly appreciated. I am home now and pondering my next step!
Nan said:
Thanks everyone for your support. It is greatly appreciated. I am home now and pondering my next step!

Let us know when you know what the plan is, Nan.
Nan, you need to talk to the surgeon. My cardio wanted me to have surgery immediately, the surgeon demurred. He wanted me on medication for a couple of weeks (to strengthen my heart and get me better shape) before he operated. If he hadn't explained that to me I'd have been as confused as you.

I don't think you can go into this surgery if you don't totally trust your surgeon. And he owes you an explanation. And if it's because he's going on vacation, fine. It's good to have a rested surgeon. But he needs to ease your fears. Otherwise look for another - there are a lot of good surgeons.
So sorry! I know you must be frustrated. If you have faith in your current surgeon, keep him. By the time you find someone else and schedule with him/her (;) ), you might be even more delayed. Totally depends on the faith issue I think. Things happen for a definitely don't want a worn out doctor operating on you!!!! Hang in there!