Surgery Postponed

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After getting over the initial shock of learning I needed surgery, I finally want it over and behind me... Needless to say this is Flu season and I have whatever is going around at work. A very bad cold/flu that last for a month or more. I was hoping to be over it in time for Feb 1st. but that doesn't seem to be happening here. I called yesterday and postponed it and will re-sheduled when I'm feeling better.

I want to thank everyone for all the information they share in here. It's such a great help to learn about our condition from those that have gone thru it already.

So sorry you had to postpone, Sharlo. I know how anxious you must have been to get it over and done with. Let us know when you have a new date and in the meantime, we hope you feel much better soon!
Thank you Phyllis

Thank you Phyllis

I am having my surgery in the Portsmouth Hospital, but Brigham and Woman's was one of the places my Cardiologist said he sends some of his patients. I am not fond of big cities and I wanted to be closer to home so that is why I decided on Portsmouth Hospital. Dr Helms's will be my surgeon.
Drats hey Sharlo...

guess thats one reason why we should have our flu-shots...

Hope youre feeling better soon and get to do that mountain -climb real soon!:D ...
Postponed Ouch!

Postponed Ouch!

Yes, the waiting is really difficult. I am scheduled for a Mitral valve repair Feb 6. I will probably have the Cox-Maze proceedure and hopefully they can repair 5 broken dislocated ribs.

I could not imagine having my surgery postponed. It is hard enough getting everything ready for a particular day.

In some ways it is similar to being 9 years old and your Disneyland vacation is posponed, only in reverse. I do not know if the analogy works, but I hope that you see what I am saying. It would be devestating. for a 9 year old.

One day at a time, I am learning that right now. my main thread is over in this section "broken ribs need mitral valve". It is pretty lively.

I pray that you can get past the delay. (Like you have a choice.....):confused:

Many people (myself included) are praying for you and others on this forum. (By the way, thanks to whoever set it up!)
flu shots

flu shots

I had the flu shot and also a pnemonia (spelling?) vacc... I asked the doctor if it had something to do with the flu shot.... this was the first year I had one and it's the first time I've been sick for so long...! But I have also been thru a lot of stress in the last couple of months... thinking of the surgery and then my Mom passing away a couple of weeks ago.... so my immune system is probably low right now....!
Thanks Michealka

Thanks Michealka

I appreciate you putting me on your prayer list and all the others here on this website that is praying for me.... I have you on my list as well and will be thinking of you on the 6th of Feb.. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you and the replacement of your ribs as well.

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