Randy, i don't know how the %s go up, but wanted to let you know I litterally know hundreds of kids/young adults that have had 3 or more OHS and are doing fine. Justin had his 4th last may (and the summer before that had the bottom part of his scar opened to remove his broken pacer from his abdomen) and actually was home faster than any of the other surgeries, actually was out of CCU less than 24 hours postop. Justin had huge scar issues, and i asked his cardiologist, not for %'s but if he planned on Justin coming home after surgery, he told me if he didn't he wouldn't have him go thru the surgery, so the odds had to be pretty good. I think alot of the redo problems have to do w/ the scar tissue between the heart and sternum and i believe I heard that chances are actually better when surgeries are closer (like your would be) since that doesn't give the scarring if there is any much time to grow alot.
I know every case is different, but just wanted to to know there are alot of people i know that have had a few surgeries. I think if I were in your place, when you are talking to surgeons, you should also talk to some of the surgeons that specialize in adults w/ CHDs, since they probably have the most experience operating on hearts that have had multiple redos, since alot of the adults w/ CHDs had surgeries as children or like Justin , he will need surgeries every 10-15 years until they come up w/ better valves/conduits. Lyn