surgery pending

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Hello everyone,
Well, I had my cath today and they decided that I needed the mitral valve replaced they have kept me in the hospital for the surgery. Don't know when for sure yet, today (14th) or tomorrow (15th) I guess. Haven't seen the surgeon yet, just the two cardios, the one who did the cath and the one who is responsible for me here.

Of course the news put me in such a tailspin that I have been crying and put myself into mild CHF (an IV of 40mg Lasix has taken care of that!)

So, my next post might be that I have had the surgery.

Best to everyone.
This is shockingly sudden, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you undergo another replacement.
God Bless and Godspeed,

Wishing you all the best. I'm sorry this has happened so suddenly, but then it will be over sooner and you'll be on the road to recovery.
Wow, a head spinner. Well at least in your in the best possible place if they think it needs to be done this quickly. Must have some real good reasons for not cutting you loose.

I'll be praying and awaiting news.

Might be a little hard to get your arms around this but at least they are paying attention to what you need done.

Praying for and thinking of you.

Good luck, Nan.

Good luck, Nan.

You're in the best place to be, considering. Sometimes sudden is good, especially if you're getting attention. My prayers are with you.

We are in this together

We are in this together

Nan we will both be sporting new mitral valves. My surgery is on June 28. I hope you are doing ok right now and I will say a prayer for you.

Hugs to u.

Lisa, snoopy, and riley
Hugs to you

Hugs to you

Sending a big hug and lots of love to you from down under.