Surgery Over and Out of Hopspital

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Well thanks all for their prayers. I spent from thur3/18 till today having back surgery. When I was waiting for the surgery my heart when to bigimany and they had to to call the cardiologist to see why the packer wasn't worker. SO I needed up in the cardic TCU for the rest of my stay. The surgery went well and I am. Just tird and ready for a nap. My arm are black and blood from being struck so many times.
Sherrin, I hope the back surgery was successful. I'm glad you are home.
Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Hi Sherrin, I didn't know you were having back surgery. You must've written about it during the days I was having problems with an annoying virus in my PC. Glad to hear it's all over and you're back at home. Take good care of yourself and make sure you rest up a bit now.

Happy to hear you are home, you sure had a busy week. Of course you are tired, we all know no one ever gets rest in a hospital :D.

I will pray that you get relief from the surgery. Now go and get some sleep.
I'm glad it's over and you're at home. My middle sister had back surgery about ten years ago, and it was quite an ordeal. When you add in the extra difficulties with your heart, you are entitled to extral TLC. I'm sending some your way!
Mary said:
I'm glad it's over and you're at home. My middle sister had back surgery about ten years ago, and it was quite an ordeal. When you add in the extra difficulties with your heart, you are entitled to extral TLC. I'm sending some your way!

I've been thinking about you the last few days and was going to call the hospital tonight to see if I could track you down. I'm glad you're home and hope you're feeling lots better soon!!
Is there anything I can do for you while you're recovering (since I live so close?) I'm off tomorrow and Thursday, then work Fri/Sat/Sun.
I'll give you a call tomorrow when you've had a chance to rest a little.
Hi Sherrin,

I somehow missed your post of your back surgery but am glad you are home and hopefully on the mend. I had back surgery about ten years ago for a fragmented disc that had entrapped a spinal nerve with a piece that had become free floating and wedged the nerve. I was in agony before the surgery and had wonderful relief with the surgery. I do have some permanent nerve damage and it unfortunately forever put an end to 12 hour ER shifts even though I was back to work in three weeks. The only regret I had about the surgery was that I waited too long before having it done. I kept having the epidurals, went through PT, bed rest, steroids, and non-steroidals and it still progressed to the point I could no longer stand, walk, or straighten my leg. When I found myself crawling around the house I finally consented to the surgery. The neurosurgeon said afterward that nothing else besides the surgery could have been effective. All I can say is that I was so dumb, dumb, dumb, to allow it to progress to the point that it had. I went through not only every day of sick time I had built up but also all my vacation days in the weeks proceeding the surgery.

Sherrin, just take it easy and don't rush things. One word of advise: Make sure the toilet seat is down before you sit down during the night. Someone in my family (I won't tell you who :) ) left one up and a few days after I got home and half asleep I sat down and about fell into the toilet. I didn't break in two but for a moment I was thinking I had.
Sherrin - Very glad you are back. A nice weekend in the hospital is what we all dream about. Now, I wanted to ask about your heart going to bigimany and the packer not working. Maybe after your nap, you can re-explain.
Bill Hall said:
Sherrin - Very glad you are back. A nice weekend in the hospital is what we all dream about. Now, I wanted to ask about your heart going to bigimany and the packer not working. Maybe after your nap, you can re-explain.

I wondered that too. The bigeminy I understand, but I'm not sure what a packer is???????
Guess we'll find out tomorrow!
Thanks all for your support. It was a pacemaker not paker. I guess it was the pain meds worker. The came in several times in the middle of the night to do EKG's but said everthing was working ok. Came in the today before I left and down loaded the pace maker and still couldn't fiqure what was going on! I just had my third Ann. of OHS and didn't realize it till down.
Welcome back, Sherrin. We were wishing you onward. Glad it has gone fairly well and that you are home. Prayers for your continued improvement - back surgery is heck.
Sherrin, glad your surgery went well. Hope you have a quick recovery. Your neighbor, sort of, Wise. (Indiana is my home state, still a lot of Hoosier left in me).
Sherrin - I always enjoy your posts, I could tell you were very tired. Glad to see you are back full speed. You really got me on the bigimany, I never heard that term, so I thought it was a typo.
Thanks everyone for your support. That is why I love this sight. Everyone are so great. Everyday it gets a little easier to get a round. I'll be back to new in no time.
Thanks Tom
My girls call it Sherrinese that is my special language since my ohs surgery. When they read some of my e-mail and can tell rather I was taken drugs are just tired. Some times I go back and read some of my earier posts on this sight and I wonder what was I thinking
Hi Sherrin,
Just perusing the site and found this thread. I am so glad you are home and doing better. Did they get the pacemaker all worked out?

Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
They are still having some problems with it. But I am hopeful that I won't have to have anymore surgeries. They was concerned when I was in OR for they back surgegy my heart rate when from 30-140 that was a big concern but they wasn't sure that the machines were accurate. They tested the pacemaker while I was still in the hosp. and said, it was working OK.

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