Surgery on Monday-versed and breastfeeding questions

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Jan 19, 2011
I will be having my third valve replacement on Monday(in 1 day!) My first 2 surgeries were 2 weeks apart in 2003, and this is my first time with kids.
I am wondering if anyone told the doctor no versed, and if so, what they did instead? I want to avoid it if I can.
Also, has anyone on here breastfed after surgery? I am still nursing my youngest child, and I will be very engorged post op, and possibly return to breastfeeding around day 4, if I feel up to it.
I am also trying to decide between traditional and right thorocatomy, and have found all the posts on here so helpful!

Lastly, if anyone with small children has any advice for post op, please share. I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and 13 month old.

I know I waited til the last minute to ask my questions, but I have been lurking for a long time, and I am in full panic mode about things now. I am so not looking forward to waking up in the icu again.
Hi. I had my third heart surgery just under four weeks ago (although the first two were as a child). You're very brave going into it with three little ones and they are a great incentive for you to get better quickly. I hope you have the support you'll need in the early weeks. I'm not sure what you mean by 'no versed'? Also, when you say 'traditional and right thoractomy'' do you mean you have the option of a sternotomy? I had left thoractomies as a child and, although I was very young, I think the sternotomy is far more comfortable (fewer nerve endings is the reason, from what I've been told). I don't know if that's an option for you though?
I'd think you'd need to speak to a specialist midwife about the possibility of breastfeeding post-surgery. Remember you'll be on other drugs so that might mean you can't do it anyway? I know breastfeeding is important but your baby is 13 months old and if you've done it until now, you've done a great job. It's probably more important to focus on getting better as soon as you can so your children have their mum as healthy as possible.
I have one child - just turned nine-year-old daughter, so older than yours - and she's been great through the whole thing. We didn't let her see me in ICU - she saw me two days post op when I was on the ward and a bit more with it. But it was a short visit, just for reassurance for both of us. Your 5 yo can prob have fun being 'grown up' and help you when you get home, bringing you pillows and drinks etc.
Good luck. Alli

My husband had a right thoracotomy after his MV repair in May 2007. His right breast did have some swelling post-op. His scar is barely noticeable now.
He did not appear to be as uncomfortable as I was with my sternotomy. He chose a thoracotomy because his sternum had been fractured in a car accident in December 2005, which caused the injury forcing the MV repair. The fracture was very painful for him, and so he did not want a sternotomy. He had also seen me very uncomfortable with the sternotomy.

I haven't seen any posts from a woman who was breast-feeding at the time of her VR.

With a 13MO, weaning may not be far off, so breast-feeding might not be as big of an issue. Your chest would be somewhat uncomfortable no matter which incision you have. With a thoracotomy, you'd have to nurse on the left side, of course.
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VERSED is classified as "Conscious Sedation" and NOT a full Anesthetic.

I doubt that Versed is used at all for Surgery. You will be put on a Full-Fledged Anesthetic.
Be sure to discuss your concerns with your Surgeon AND Anesthesiologist.

'AL Capshaw'
I"m not positive, but I think some surgeons/anesthesiologists may use a small dose of versed in preparing the patient for surgery, but they switch to the "big stuff" before things get really serious. At least I think that's what I was told in the prep area.
I"m not positive, but I think some surgeons/anesthesiologists may use a small dose of versed in preparing the patient for surgery, but they switch to the "big stuff" before things get really serious. At least I think that's what I was told in the prep area.

I think you are right , they may give either versed or a combo of meds pre op to help you relax. When Justin was a toddler (in 89) we agreed to be part of a trial, because before that they didn't give any meds to the children (so most likely not adults either) in the preop time and waited until the child was already handed over from their parents to the staff and in the OR to give any meds. His docs thought it had to be better to give them some sedation, pre op so it wasn't as tramatic (probably for everyone involved) if they were already relaxed (and loopy) before the got into the OR. I was very happy it was a relaxed almost funny morning handing Justin over when he was trying to touch his nose and missing instead of how traumatic it could have been handing him over to people he didn't know dressed in surgerical scrubs. So we were glad to be asked to take part in the trial.

As for the OP question,I know this is too late, I'm not sure why the concern is the versed and not all the other drugs they pump into you during and after OHS and if they are fine with breast feeding. I hope things work out the best way so you are happy with how things turn out wether you can continue to breast feed or not.
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