Surgery on Friday

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Mar 12, 2009
West Columbia, SC
Hi, I am having my pulmonary valve replace on Friday 4/24/2008.:eek: Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, concers, pointers for me. Does any what to take my place;) Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Hi, I am having my pulmonary valve replace on Friday 4/24/2008.:eek: Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, concers, pointers for me. Does any what to take my place;) Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.


good luck Marney,

You sound the same as me as I am getting closer. I said that also to myself... does anyone want to take my place. LOL. Trust me, I was freaking out yesterday and today I am so calm and just enjoying the smaller things in life. I'm told by a lot of people in this VR family that this is normal.

I will be thinking of you on Friday. Good luck and take care.
Best of luck to you and am hoping all goes well. The only thing I can think of is a good pair of slip resistinting slippers. They beat the hell out of the ones the hospital gives you.

Good luck & God Bless.
Best wishes for a sucessful surgery and recovery.
Hope someone can update us when able.

zipper2 (DEB)

Wishing you all the best for your surgery!! One piece of advice I would give is to limit visitors- I got my husband to tell people to stay away until he let them know I was up for it - for the first few days you are really much too tired to see anyone except close family.....
BREATHE!!!! You will do just fine!!

Don't be afraid to ask your doctors for something to calm your nerves though if you think you need it. I took a sleeping tablet the night before so I wouldn't lay awake all night thinking about it - and it worked a treat!

And just remember how many of us here have already been there, done that, and are still waiting for our T-shirts! :D

Sending lots of best wishes your way.

A : )