surgery on 5-26

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hi all. my mom's (maria) surgery is on 5-26. any pre-op advice? she seems to be doing fine ...i'm the one who's getting nervous for her, but i know i'll have to be strong for her. thanks for your thoughts.
There will be others along to give you help and guidance on pre and post op. We (the ones going thru this) seem to forget that our loved ones are going through just as much (if not more) leading up, thru and after surgery. Just be there for your Mother (I KNOW BARRY I KNOW :p ) and give her all our best wishes.

We will send prayers and good thoughts your way for all of you. Look forward to the after surgery post.

May God Bless,

Be sure and ask her what she feels she needs but remember you all don't know what you don't know. So make sure you are around to handle any stupid moves by staff or question anything you don't understand. Be agressive and don't let anyone brush off questions or concerns.
thank you. you've been very helpful. thanks for your well wishes too.
All the best to you and your mom. What a lovely name you have; nigella is one of my favorite flowers.
surgery on May 26 th

surgery on May 26 th

i have already prayed for your mother and will continue to do so until she is out of the hospital. Everything will be fine, for me the more info I have come up with the better off I am. Plus I cant tell you what a bonus it is having folks from all over the world praying for me!
Just be around for her so that she gets everything she needs - at least for the first few days. Please let us know how it all goes. Tell her for me......GODSPEED!
She'll be in my thoughts tomorrow. Just get through it. I've often thought the close family should get at least Twilight Sleep, if not full anesthesia.

Best wishes,
Wishing your Mom all the best tomorrow and hoping that she has a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.
Please tell you mother I wish her all the best. I wish the same for you, and I hope you will post and let us know how the surgery went.
thank you so much everyone

thank you so much everyone

for your prayers & thoughtfulness. the surgeon said today that the ct scan confirmed an enlarged aorta and there is a 50-50 chance that this might need to be replaced as well. he won't know about the root of the aortic valve until he sees it for himself. also, he said the size of the enlargement is 4(cm?) and for her it should be about 3.5. also, he said that they usually don't operate until it's about 5(cm?), but once there in there might as well do the replacement so as not to have to do it 5yrs from now.. any thoughts on this? i was not prepared for this info. so i was pretty much uninformed when he communicated this to me..
Hope all goes well with your mom, no let me rephrase All WILL go well with your mom as she has many prayers and thoughts going out to her and the family. Take care of yourself also. ******Laurie
Sending Well Wishes And Thoughts For Your Mom...we Will Be Here For Her When She Reaches The Other Side Of The Hill.. :d
Dear Nigella,
Hope all went well for your Mom. It makes sense to do whatever needs to be done while they are in there and not risk having to go through this again in the near future. Hope to hear from you soon.
thanks for your kind thoughts & prayers. mom's surgery went well. the surgeon had to replace the root & the aorta and she's been in the cardiac unit for two days. today is her third and we're hoping she'll be moved up to a regular room. it seems she had some problem with her breathing, so they've given her some treatments for that. I'm really glad she's doing good, but I was surprised when the doc said he had to do the aorta an dthe root. The root we did not know about & the aorta he had said there was a 50-50 chance. I'm wondering if anyone's been in this situation where they do the aorta, root and AVR? The doc said the only difference would be an increase in risk by 2%(total 4%) in surgery but as far as prognosis, it would not make a difference, she wouldn't need any more meds, she'd be feeling better all around. Another thing i had not rad about was that most patients if not all are put on pacemakers, just in case, and then when they are discharged, the pacemakers are taken off. This part i did not understand, and the nurse tried to explain, but i still am not clear... anyway, is this common? thanks everyone.
Yes. This is standard procedure. They leave two, thin wires attached to your heart, in case you develop a dangerous arrhythmia. tachycardia, or bradycardia after surgery. After all, your heart isn't usually too pleased about being messed with. If anything happens, they can treat your heart directly. It's a good plan.

Usually, they don't wind up having to use them. They are one of the last things they yank out of your chest before you leave the hospital. They're tiny wires, but it stings a little.

Best wishes,

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