Surgery moved up!

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Hi everyone. I posted that my surgery for AV repair/ or AVR has was scheduled for Jan. 10. On Chrismas Day on the way home from church I almost passed out, extremely tired and dizziness. Had an ER visit Tuesday and they found nothing else wrong. Went to the surgeon on Thursday and he said it's time now. We moved up the surgery to Jan. 3. I am glad becuase I can't hardly function. If I sit around and do nothing its not so bad, but if I try to work or anything, extreme fatigue.
I now feel like I could be getting a sinus infection. I sure hope not. Gotta love Ohio weather.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement. I am looking forward to a new year with a new leash on life! Please keep my family and I in your prayers.

God Bless,


We'll be thinking of and praying for you. Please take care and try to have someone post for you so we know how you're doing.
Hey Heather
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. This will be a New and Healthy Year for you.:)
It won't be long now and you will be on the other side of the mountain.
Take Care and keep us posted.
All the best...

prayers going out for you and your family

what a good start to the new year for you...HOORAY!...

cant wait for the post-Op post to hear how well you are feeling!
Heather I put you one the calendar. I think all of us Ohioians have sinus sickness feelings right now. Mine are bleeding and giving me fits. I think it was all that nice 50° weather we had, then the drop back to winter suddenly.
Heather, I'm glad your doctor took action. You have my prayers for a successful surgery.
You are in our thoughts and prayers... speedy recovery!!
Good Luck! I know you will be fine. I am right behind you on the 5th.
Good luck

Good luck

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Soon you will be on the other side of the mountain with a fixed up heart. Aren't we lucky that these docs know how to fix our hearts. Please have someone post so we know how you are.
I'm so glad you're getting into surgery earlier than originally scheduled. I was concerned about you!

Please do have someone in your family post an update -- we'll be waiting to read that you sailed through your surgery.
See you on the other side!!!

See you on the other side!!!

Good luck!!
Sorry I missed you before the surgery, but I wish you the best and hope to hear all good reports soon!
The good news about your moved up surgery is that you be up & at 'em a week earlier. Best of luck & I will keep you in my prayers for sucessful surgery and smooth recovery.

Hi Heather,

Hi Heather,

Just wanted you to know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a safe and successful surgery and problem free recovery! I will be looking for updates.


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