Surgery for the 28th on hold

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I went for my angiogram and TEE yesterday. After performing the angiogram my cardiologist has decided that due to my cardiomyopathy it is the muscle surrounding the valve that is causing the valve to leak and not actually the valve itself. He feels we should put the surgery on hold for now. The doctor (not my cardiologist) that performed the TEE told my husband that the mitral valve leakage was mild to moderate which isn't as severe as I had thought. Echo results have said my EF has been around 30% for the last two or three years. MY LV is now at 4.9. I had been told that same thing a couple of years ago, that I need to have valve surgery and then he backed off because of this cardiomyopathy thing and we have taken a wait and see attitude and my LV has gradually gotten worse. This was all discussed in the recovery room yesterday so I am hoping to get an office consulatation next week and maybe get a few more answers and maybe a new direction to shoot for. I have been so focused these past few weeks on having surgery and it is kind of a shock now to be in this situation and not know what to think. The surgeon felt like the leaking valve needs to be fixed regardless but that was pre-angiogram so he may have a different attitude now. He is out of the office until week after next. He and my cardiologist are all within the same group so I know that they can discuss amongst themselves.
I would appreciate anyone with a similar experience to let me know how they have proceeded and what I can expect.
You have an involved situation to deal with.
Perhaps after you confer with the surgeon, if you're still uncertain, you might consider getting a second opinion. Sometimes a second opinion helps clarify your thought process regarding what action to take.
Best wishes,
I too am in favor of a second opinion and from a surgeon, not a cardiologist. My gut feelings on this one says NOW.
Thanks for your input. I think that gives me the push that I need to get that second opinion. As soon as I can gather all of my test results I will go a hunting.

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