Surgery Day!

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We are headed out to surgery this morning. I ask for your continued prayers for God's healing power. Thank you everyone for being so kind and helpful. We feel like we know so many of you already.

Surgery to begin at 7:30am (EST) at Phoebe Putney Hospital here in Albany, Georgia.

I will be in touch just as soon as I can to update everyone. Again, I cannot thank you all enough for your help so far.

In God's Love,
Denise and Eddie Watson

We'll all be waiting to hear how Eddie did in surgery. You'll be able to exhale in a couple of days, I know, I've been there many times. It's stressful. Take a little time for yourself, even if it's just to go down to the cafeteria to do a crossword puzzle for a half hour or so. It will refresh you.

Best wishes.