Update from Crystal
Update from Crystal
This is the message Crystal sent me for valvereplacement. She is currently in Mountain View,CA awaiting surgery on June 20, at Stanford Medical Center.
Wanted to give you an update for the forum. We are here in Cal. Met with the surgery
team. Had to do a few more tests will finish them up on Monday. Cant believe that I am here its been so long waiting. My nervousness has settled down a bit. Feel pretty good. It will be nice to feel good again. They said I wont be here as long as was told
I can do my rehab when I get home with my cardo doctor that was real good news.
Feel that Im in real good hands. Had a Echo today which helped them see more how my hypertension is doing. Still said both vavles need replaced. so not much change there. Talk to you more later after surgery dont have acsess to a computor the whole time. Thanks again for all your encouragement and help. God Bless. Crystal
I don't know how to reach Crystal, but any messages that people send to her will be saved for her return to Tucson, unless an email becomes available sooner.